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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This article has not been previously published or presented for review and publication in another journal (otherwise explain this in the Editor's Notes).
  • The submitted material is presented in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • Internet links are presented in the form of full URL.
  • Single line space, font Times New Roman, 11 pt; to highlight accents italics are used, not underlining (except for Internet links); all illustrations, graphs and tables are located in the text where it is required in essence (not at the end of the document).
  • The text corresponds to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements of the Guide for Authors, located in the section "About ".
  • The names of the authors were removed from the title of the article and other requirements of the Review Anonymity document were met.

Author Guidelines

General Terms

Submission and publication of articles for free!

How to cite a journal Science and Transport Progress.

The journal Science and Transport Progress accepts for publication articles of problematic, summarizing and methodical directions, original scientific and practical researches in Ukrainian, English languages that had never been published before.

The average time between submitting and publishing an article is 16 weeks.

Requirements for the scope of scientific articles, reports, and reviews:

  • review and problematic articles – up to 45 000 characters with the spaces (7-10 p.);
  • general articles according to the headings of edition – up to 30 000 characters with the spaces (5-7 p.);
  • scientific report – up to 8 000 characters with the spaces (up to 2.5 p.).

Articles of larger scope can be accepted on the decision of editorial board.

The Manuscript Is Attached With: 

  1. File with the article and printed copy of the typescript signed by all co-authors on the last sheet of the paper;
  2. License Agreement original signed by all co-authors;
  3. File with information about the authors (surname, name, patronymic, post, scientific degree, academic rank, place of work or study, contact info (phone, e-mail); ORCID code. Information about the authors is submitted in three languages - Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Licence agreement

Journal Sections:

  • Automated and telematic systems on transport
  • Ecology and industrial safety
  • Economics and management
  • Operation and repair of transport means
  • Electric transport, power systems and complexes
  • Railroad and roadway network
  • Information and communication technologies and mathematical modelling
  • Material science
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Rolling stock and train traction
  • Transport construction


Structure of the article:

  1. UDC identifier (in the upper left corner of the page) – in the first line with left alignment (TNR 12, boldface), interval before – 0 pt, after – 12 pt.
  2. Full list of authors (initials and surnames, ordinal number in the list of authors); the main correspondent author is marked with an asterisk «*» (superscript)– in the second and the next lines with left alignment. Interval before – 0 pt, after – 6 pt.
  3. Information about authors: sequence number (superscript – Arabic figure and the gear for correspondent author), place of the author’s work, full mail address (bulk, building, street, name of city, index, country), phone number, e-mail and ORCID. Each address begins from the new line. Interval before – 0 pt, interval after – 12 pt.
  4. Title of an article – left aligned (Type TNR 14, bold, capital letters. Interval after – 12 pt.).
  5. Abstract (one paragraph, 250 – 300 words) – full justified, structured (according to the logic of results description in the article), it should contain the following elements with their explicit selection: purpose, methodology, findings, originality, practical value. The abstract should not repeat the text of the article and its title, should not contain numbers, formulas, tables, inline footnotes, references and abbreviations. Type TNR 10. Interval after – 0 pt.
  6. Keywords (5-12 separate words and/or as a part of word combinations) – full justified, TNR 10, simple; before the list one should italicize Keywords: separating character – semicolon, without final period. Interval after – 12 pt.
  7. The main text of the article is placed in two columns of equal width with the space between columns 0.5 cm.
  8. References to literature sources (bibliographic description of the sources used in preparing the article, in original language) illustrated according to the standard "DSTU 8302:2015. Standard system of information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. The bibliographic description. General requirements and rules", which is valid from 01.07.2007. We recommend that you refrain from using Russian publications.
  9. Block in English and Latin – format conforms to article guidelines: full list of (co)authors; information about  (co)authors; title of the article; abstract; keywords.
  10. References – transliterated References (in Latin); APA-style.

The main material of the article should have the following elements:

Introduction: problem statement, analysis of recent studies;
Methodologypresentation of the main research material with full justification of scientific results. Here the authors describe in detail the general method of the research so that its results could be reproduced: describe the sequence of study, substantiate the choice of the used methods and models and set out the essence of the proposed ones, define what exactly was investigated by each method;
Findingscontain experimental or theoretical data obtained from the work to demonstrate that the author(s) found a new solution of the problem, and that the work is a significant step forward compared to previous studies. The data are submitted in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams, equations, photos, figures, statistical estimates. Results should be presented briefly and clearly and contain enough information to assess the findings; it should also be obvious why these data are chosen for the analysis;
Originality and Practical value. Originality of the results is laid out in a well-argued, brief and clear manner. Originality shouldn’t contain the applied results (methods, devices, schemes, algorithms). The practical value of the results contains the summary of the research results using or recommendations on their use;
Conclusions: Here the author(s) should give the obtained quantitative and qualitative indicators of the research and present recommendations on their use.

Article submission guigelines
Design template of the acticle

Requirements for the list of references: 

  • The volume – 10-20 sources (excluding review articles);
  • The major part of references should reflect the current state of scientific research and be not older than 3-4 years;
  • There can be no more than 20% of selfreferences to each of the co-authors;
  • No less than 3 links in Latin (to foreign journal with a high impact factor no older than 3 yeras or base monograph); 
  • all sources must have the DOI (except retro);
  • We recommend that you refrain from using Russian publications.

According to the recommendations of international citation databases the reference list should contain the core sources that have influence on the development of the science (core is a small part of the overall list).

List of refernces should be illustrated according to the standard "ДСТУ 8302:2015. Standard system of information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. The bibliographic description. General requirements and rules", which is valid from 01.07.2016. 

Attention! In accordance with the requirements of SCOPUS and Web of Science for REFERENCES one should submit a complete list of co-authors for each reference source (as opposed to the requirements specified in DSTU).

Primary sources are given in original language.

СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ ДЖЕРЕЛ (in Ukrainian articles) and LIST OF REFERENCE LINKS (if the article is in English). – TNR 11 pt., in capital letters. This list is separated from the main text and from the list of references by the intervals before 12 pt. and after 6 pt. and is placed in the middle of the column.

Bibliographic description of each source should be accompanied, in case of presence, with its Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which is given space-separated after the source bibliographic description. DOI of publications can be found at:

Requirements for transliterated references 

Transliterated reference, as required by scientometrical databases of SCOPUS and Web of Science, is a complete reference analogue and is performed by Latin transliteration of the original language. Herewith the procedure and the number of sources in the reference list should remain unchanged. Links to English sources are not transliterated.

The References should be formatted according to APA style (American Psychological Association).

The decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 27 January 2010 № 55 ”On regulation of transliteration of the Ukrainian script into Roman script” approves the official transliteration of the Ukrainian script into Roman script, establishes the current rules of transliteration of the names and surnames of Ukrainian citizens into Roman script in the foreign passports.

This standard is applied to Cyrillic script transliteration into the Roman script in the scientific and technical information areas and establishes a correspondence between letters of Cyrillic script used in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian and Mongolian languages, and letters of Roman script.

It is recommended to use the systems of automatic transliteration.

Online transliteration ( is transliteration by different systems and standards: Terminology Commission of Natural Sciences of the Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko (TKPN), Ukrainian Commission for Legal Terminology (UKPPT), ISO 9, tables of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers from 27 January 2010 No. 55, Library of US Congress (ALA-LC), etc.

On the site: one can use free program of Russian text transliteration into Roman script according to the U.S. State Department transliteration rules.

Abbreviated cities - major publishing centers of CIS and USSR should be given fully translated in English.

If a national journal has a parallel English version, use the translated title of the article and the corresponding journal title.

If a national journal is published in English translation, use English versions of the journal and article titles. Specify the range of pages of the translated journal version.

Licence agreement

Vocabulary for academic degrees translation

Privacy Statement

Names and addresses specified by you at registration on this site will be used solely for technical purposes: contact with you or reviewers (editors) in the preparation process of your article for publication. They will by no means be shared with other individuals and organizations.