About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The journal aims to illuminate the urgent problems of scientific support of the transport, rolling stock, transport infrastructure, information and intellectual systems on the transport and the disclosure of the fundamental and applied researches results, advanced scientific approaches to the technology development, analysis of management, economic and ecological aspects of transport enterprises operation and transport construction.
The journal is included in the List of specialized scientific editions of Ukraine in which the results of thesis works for the degree of Doctor of Science, Candidate of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in the following specialties can be published:
122 Computer Sciences and Information Technology
132 Material Science
133 Industrial Engineering
141 Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics
144 Heat power engineering
183 Environmental technologies
192 Construction and civil engineering
273 Railway Transport
274 Automobile Transport
275 Transport technologies (by types)
Peer Review Process
The journal uses blind peer review. The manuscripts are sent to the external reviewers with knowledge of the subject area but who do not have a conflict of interest. A final decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board. Members of the UniLibNSD Editorial Board will evaluate the materials in terms of quality, relevance for the conference, theme, clarity, originality and timeliness.
Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics
Manuscripts review order
Within the editorial policy a scientific journal " Science and Transport Progress" stick consecutively to publishing standards of COPE Code of Conduct publications, approved by COP (Committee on Publication Ethics).
Materials are reviewed by members of the journal editorial board and by the external independent experts on the basis of objectivity and from the standpoint of the higher international academic quality standards, and edited.
Editorial board reserves the right for stylistic alteration of the typescript.
Corrections are coordinated with the author which, in the opinion of the editorial board, can change the meaning of the text.
The editorial board of the scientific publication reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet requirements and topics of the journal.
Opinions and proposals expressed in articles do not necessarily coincide with the Editorial Board views. Reliability of the information in the articles, the accuracy of the names, statistics, surnames and citations are under the author′s responsibility.
The editors reserve the right for minor literary wording of texts and abridgements with the author's style retention.
Provided materials are not returned and can not be published in other scientific journals.
To identify duplicate submissions in other publications and possible plagiarism, all submitted manuscripts are checked by online plagiarism search service "Unicheck".
Digital Archiving Policy
Science and Transport Progress have electronic backup and preservation of access to the content of its journals via PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN).
Science and Transport Progress also have electronic backup and preservation of access to the content of its journal via Zenodo.
Fee for publication and purchasing the journal
The journal does not charge authors an article processing charge (APC).
Ukrainian list of journals indexed (ULJI) - it is a system of scientometric monitoring of scientific activity subjects in Ukraine.
Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI) (Link)
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory - subscription catalog of American publishing Bowker, is the largest database that describes the global flow of periodicals in all subject areas. ( Link )
Index Copernicus (Poland) - International scientometric base (Link). This website includes indexing, ranking and abstracting journals, and is a platform for scientific collaboration and joint research projects.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) - is website that lists open access journals and is maintained by Infrastructure Services for Open Access (IS4OA). The project defines open access journals as scientific and scholarly journals that meet high quality standards by exercising peer review or editorial quality control and "use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access." (Link)
WorldCat - the world's largest bibliographic database, with over 240 million records of all kinds of products for 470 languages. Base is created by joint efforts of more than 72 thousand libraries in 170 countries across the organization Online Computer Library Center. ( Link )
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) - search engine (Germany), which is one of the most powerful suppliers of actual data on the scientific publications of European scientists. More detailed information on publications can be found here ( Link )
Google Scholar is free access search system that provides full text search of scientific publications in all formats and disciplines ( Link )
“Ukrainika naukova” - nationwide abstract database
The placing of journal in the libraries of the world
United Kingdom:
The order of manuscripts review
(author, title)
1. General description of the content:
• The relevance of the topic
• Originality
• Methodological originality of the approach
• The purity of the experiment and the reproducibility of the results (for applied research)
• The clarity and unambiguity of the findings, their limitations in the text, the adequacy of the substantive provisions of article
2. The quality of the article construction.
• Equipment of scientific apparatus (summary / abstract, bibliography, reference system and the like.)
• The readability of tables and figures, according to the physical meanings of the described regularities and phenomena
• Knowledge of the author (s) state of issue in the study area (link to a new periodical literature, etc.).
3. Comments on the presentation and design of the manuscript.
4. Reasoned conclusion.
Compliance of articles issues to the problematics of the journal section.
5. Recommendations:
- Publication of the article as submitted;
- Revising the article based on the comments (general or specific);
- Irrationality (the impossibility) the publication of the submitted article.
6. Surname, initials, position, academic degree, academic rank of the reviewer.
7. Date signed reviews.
Journal History
Edition is being published since 1936:
1936-1993 –"Proceedings of the Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers";
1993-2002 – "Proceedings of the Dnipropetrovsk State Technical University of Railway Transport" (in series);
2003-2012 – "Bulletin of the Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan";
2013–2022 – "Science Transport Progress. Bulletin of the Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan";
since 2023 – "Science Transport Progress"