Definition method signal filtering irregularity crankshaft speed of diesel
uneven speed, folding diesel diagnostics, digital filtration signal spectral analysis, phase shiftAbstract
Purpose. Determination of signal processing techniques uneven angular velocity of the crankshaft of diesel locomotive for the release of the signal from the noise. Methodology. One of the implementations of strategy development and implementation of folding diagnosing diesel engines in service is a method of folding diagnostics and condition monitoring of diesel locomotive for uneven speed of the crankshaft. The disadvantages of the method of averaging the data and the technique of non-repeatable evaluation cycles diesel are analyzed. Findings. Signal receiving of uneven speed is achieved by using angular velocity sensor, which is used as an incremental encoder. The block diagram of the device and the parameters of the received signal have been shown. Typical graphic interpretations of the angular velocity signal are presented. Using of FIR filter was proposed and its parameters were dimensioned. The analysis of the spectrograms of the signals in both measurement modes speed signal was carried out and the filter cut-off frequency was selected. The solution of the problem of the phase shift filtering results is presented. Originality.The importance of the digital filter is substantiated. The approach, which allows the use of non-repeatable indicator cycles as an additional indicator of the diesel engine is developed. Practical value.Problem solving of signal processing allows receiving a useful signal not taking into account noise impact, which distorts the true picture of the physical process.
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Copyright (c) 2021 B. Ye. Bodnar, O. B. Ochkasov, D. Ch. Chernyayev

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