The method of quality indicators evaluation for non-profit organizations activities
non-profit organizations, organizational development, efficiency of activities, method of evaluation, quality indicatorsAbstract
Purpose. Development of evaluation method of quality indicators for non-profit organizations activities in existing domestic conditions. Methodology. To achieve the research purposes a comparative analysis of some existing methods which were suggested by famous foreign experts for evaluation of organizational development level of non-profit organizations was used. Findings. The system of indicators suggested by C. McNamara for organizational development level assessment of non-commercial organizations and its correspondence for existing conditions of non-profit organizations activities in Ukraine have been analyzed. The technique of A. Vakulenko for qualitative evaluation of Russian non-commercial organizations has also been considered which includes five blocks of parameters for evaluation of internal organizational environment factors according their influence for external organizational environment and support of this influence. The possibility of the designated parameters application applications for domestic non-profit organizations is determined. Based on the separated elements of considered methodic the method of quality indicators evaluation of activities effectiveness for non-profit organizations in Ukraine is developed. Originality. The adapted method of quality indicators evaluation for non-profit organizations activities based on an analysis of their assessing existing methods is offered. Practical value. Non-profit organizations activities require usage of the certain material and financial resources. It leads to the need of an objective evaluation of the activity effectiveness for the particular non-profit organization and therefore to development of that assessment methods.
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