


vehicles, technical characteristics of vehicles, resources of enterprises


Purpose. The research work focuses on forecasting of performance evaluation of the tractive and non-tractive vehicles that will satisfy and meet the needs and requirements of the railway industry, which is constantly evolving. Methodology. Analysis of the technical condition of the existing fleet of rolling stock (tractive and non-tractive) of Ukrainian Railways shows a substantial reduction that occurs in connection with its moral and physical wear and tear, as well as insufficient and limited purchase of new units of the tractive and non-tractive rolling stock in the desired quantity. In this situation there is a necessity of search of the methods for determination of rolling stock technical characteristics. One of such urgent and effective measures is to conduct forecasting of the defining characteristics of the vehicles based on the processes of their reproduction in conditions of limited resources using a continuous exponential function. The function of the growth rate of the projected figure degree for the vehicle  determines the logistic characteristic that with unlimited resources has the form of an exponent, and with low ones – that of a line. Findings. The data obtained according to the proposed method allowed determining the expected (future) value, that is the ratio of load to volume of the body for non-tractive rolling stock (gondola cars) and weight-to-power for tractive rolling stock, the degree of forecast reliability and the standard forecast error, which show high prediction accuracy for the completed procedure. As a result, this will allow estimating the required characteristics of vehicles in the forecast year with high accuracy. Originality. The concept of forecasting the characteristics of the vehicles for decision-making on the evaluation of their prospects was proposed. Practical value. The forecasting methodology will reliably determine the technical parameters of tractive and non-tractive rolling stock, which will meet the modern requirements of the railroading, including at the design stage and while upgrading the vehicles.

Author Biographies

O. S. Krasheninin, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Dep. «Exploitation and Repair of Rolling Stock», Feierbakh Sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61050, tel.+38 (057) 730 19 99

O. V. Klymenko, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Dep. «Exploitation and Repair of Rolling Stock», Feierbakh Sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61050, tel.+38 (057) 730 19 99

O. V. Ponomarenko, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Dep. «Exploitation and Repair of Rolling Stock», Feierbakh Sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61050, tel.+38 (057) 730 19 99


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How to Cite

Krasheninin, O. S., Klymenko, O. V., & Ponomarenko, O. V. (2016). FORECASTING OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF NEW VEHICLES. Science and Transport Progress, (6(66), 79–87.

