


fastening type СКД65-Б, track width, adjusting of track width, maintenance of track in plan


Purpose. To date, there is a tendency concerning complete transition of main tracks to concrete sleepers. The reason for this is the lack of wooden sleepers, their high cost and low lifetime that in the curved track sections with the radius R≤300 m is only 5-7 years (this is 5 times less than the lifetime of concrete sleepers). After introduction of fastening type СКД65-Б it is possible to smoothly expand the track from 0 mm to 14 mm, and to narrow from 0 mm to 28 mm with a step 1 mm. At the increased train load on the track of 75…130 kN in a horizontal plane, which is characteristic for the curved track sections R≤300 m the violations in terms of track geometry often take place. It results in the frequent surfacings, periodicity of which at the fastening type СКД65-Б is absent for today. Therefore the purpose of the article is the development of recommendations concerning maintenance of the track in a plan with the fastening type СКД65-Б. Methodology. The methodology of research is based on the comparative estimation of influence of the track width change dynamics on the periodicity of surfacing in the plan in the case of the use of fastening type ДО and СКД65-Б. Findings. With the help of the developed research methodology it was established that the first implementation of adjusting the track width at fastening type ДО is necessary to be executed on the 14th month and at the fastening type СКД65-Б on the 28th month of operation. Originality. It was first described and expressed using the empiric dependence the process of the track width change, and periodicity of its adjusting in the case of the fastening type СКД65-Б use. Practical value. The developed recommendations will allow in time to execute adjusting of the track width at fastening type СКД65-Б and ensuring the safety of train motion at the same time.

Author Biographies

M. P. Nastechik, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Dep. «Track and Track Facilities», Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 31

R. V. Marcul, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Dep. «Track and Track Facilities», Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 31


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How to Cite

Nastechik, M. P., & Marcul, R. V. (2016). PROSPECTS FOR LAYING THE FASTENING OF THE TYPE SKD 65 – B IN THE CURVESD TRACK SECTIONS WITH SMALL RADIUS. Science and Transport Progress, (4(64), 71–80.

