flatcar, container, centre sill, structural strength, static tests, longitudinal loads, impact tests, fitting stop, stress, strength evaluationAbstract
Purpose. The main design requirements of the modernized cars are those allowing reduction of operating costs and improvement of economic efficiency of their use. Due to the relevance of this subject the work presents the complex of conducted research, which will allow in prospect to use the universal flatcar, converted according to the Technical specifications TU 3182-065-71390252-2911 for container service. The research includes: evaluation of strength, fatigue safety of the design elements and conformity assessment of the strength characteristics of the modernized flatcar elements to the regulatory documents. Methodology. The analysis covers the use of specialized and universal rolling stock for transportation of containers, as well as the issues of modernization of universal cars. The strength of the flatcar bearing structure is evaluated based on the complex of numerical and experimental studies. The experimental part includes the static, repair load and impact tests. The car strength qualities and the fatigue safety are evaluated on the basis of calculated and experimental data. Findings. The conducted static, repair load and impact tests, given the quasi-static longitudinal forces, allowed the evaluation of the car structure strength according to the regulatory documents. The calculated and experimental data make it possible to assess the fatigue safety of structural elements. The present work is completed by obtaining the results that allow performing reasonable re-equipment of universal flatcars with baseplates with fitting stops to fasten the containers. Originality. The results of calculated and experimental studies showed that the modernized flatcars meet the conditions of strength and have sufficient fatigue safety factor. This makes it possible to recommend the re-equipment of universal flatcars for all car-repair enterprises that submitted the prototypes. Practical value. The complex of works was conducted that demonstrated the possibility of re-equipment of universal flatcars for the transportation of large containers. Part of the car fleet, kept in reserve, with little material costs can be transferred to the operational fleet. The modernization – re-equipment of universal flatcars with stationary specialized devices will increase the car usability coefficient.
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