safety, wind loading, lateral surface of the body, rules for calculation, car lift resistance factor, speed, stability factor, longitudinal compressive forceAbstract
Purpose. In the analytical research are considered: 1) relationships between the longitudinal force acting on the car in the train; 2) lateral and vertical forces of interaction in the contact zone «wheel – rail»; 3) dynamic indicators of cars with the magnitude of the car lift resistance factor; 4) obtaining of the dependencies between them. Methodology. The study was conducted by an analytical method assessing the sustainability of the freight car when driving at different speeds on the straight and curved track sections. Findings. In the process of studying the motion of the train, in the investigation of transport events, as well as during the training on the simulator operator, to assess the actions of the driver, the values of the longitudinal forces in the inter car connections are used. To calculate the longitudinal compressive forces, acting on the car, in which car lift resistance factor will be equal to the allowable value (critical force). To assess the impact on the value of the longitudinal force speed, coefficients of the vertical and horizontal dynamics, as well as the wind load on the side surface of the car body are the results of calculations of motion of the empty gondola car, model № 12-532 curve radius of 250 m with a rise of 150 mm and a transverse run of body of car frame relative to the track axis of the guide section 50 mm. Originality. In this study, the technique of determining the longitudinal compressive force was shown, that is somewhat different from the standard. So, as well as assessing the impact on it the speed of rolling coefficients of vertical and horizontal dynamics and wind load on the side surface of the car body. Practical value. The authors developed proposals on the enhancement of existing methods for determining the value of the longitudinal compressive forces acting on the car in which the safety value of the car lift resistance factor will be equal to the allowable value. It will evaluate the stability of each train car lift resistance factor directly during the simulation of its movement. The most effective use of this technique in the simulator designed to teach the drivers a safe way of driving trains and in the investigation of the causes of cars derailment.
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