


conveyer, belt, drive, power, efficiency, load


Purpose. A drive is one of the basic elements of belt conveyers. To determine the drive power it is necessary to conduct calculations by standard methodologies expounded in modern technical literature. Such calculations demand a fair amount of time. The basic design parameters of a belt conveyer include type of load, design efficiency, geometrical dimensions and path configuration, operation conditions. The article aims to build the parametric dependence of belt conveyer drive power on its design parameters, that takes into account standard dimensions and parameters of belts, idlers and pulleys. Methodology. The work examines a belt conveyer with two areas: sloping and horizontal. Using the methodology for pulling calculation by means of belt conveyer encirclement, there are built parametric dependences of pull forces in the characteristic conveyer path points on the type of load, design efficiency, geometrical dimensions and path configuration, operation conditions. Findings. For the belt conveyers of the considered type there are built parametric dependences of drive power on type of load, design efficiency, geometrical dimensions and path configuration, operation conditions, taking into account the belt standard dimensions and corresponding assumptions in relation to idler and pulley types. Originality.This is the first developed parametric dependence of two-area (sloping and horizontal) belt conveyer drive power on type of load, design efficiency, geometrical dimensions and path configuration, operation conditions that takes into account standard dimensions and parameters of belts, idlers and pulleys. Practical value. Use of the built drive power dependences on design parameters for the belt conveyers with sloping and horizontal areas gives an opportunity of relatively rapid determination of drive power approximate value at the design stage. Also it allows quality selection of its basic elements at specific design characteristics and requirements. The offered dependences can be used for determination of general character of drive power dependence on the project efficiency.

Author Biography

V. M. Bohomaz, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Dep. « Military training of specialists of the State special service of transport», Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 793 19 09


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How to Cite

Bohomaz, V. M. (2016). RESEARCH OF DEPENDENCE OF BELT CONVEYER DRIVE POWER ON ITS DESIGN PARAMETERS. Science and Transport Progress, (1(61), 131–146.



Mechanical Engineering
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