corrugated metal construction, corrugated metal pipe thickness, backfill soil compaction degree, dynamic loading, relative deformations, strain, stress, strength, stabilityAbstract
Purpose. The work provides research the deflected mode and calculation the relative deformation of vertical and horizontal diameters of corrugated metal structures (CMS), horizontal ellipse type, and cross section in their interaction with soil backfill depending on the thickness of corrugated metal pipe. Such studies are required for optimal design of CMS, establishing the causes of defects timely, appropriate engineering solutions to improve the bearing capacity of the CMS and reasonable use of funds for their construction or rehabilitation of existing transportation facilities using corrugated metal pipes. Methodology. Stresses and stability calculations of CMS form are conducted using the developed mathematical algorithm in program environment Mathcad 14. In these studies different thickness of corrugated metal pipe were assigned, and further calculations were carried out at the design value of backfill soil compaction degree and magnitude of dynamic loading of railway transport. Findings. From the calculations is determined that the most influence the thickness of the corrugated metal pipe has on the strength in the calculation of the normal stresses and value of the vertical pipe strains. Therefore, the calculated parameters in the design of corrugated metal structures with small filling heights (from 1.2 m to 3 m) above its peak is calculation of the strength by the normal stresses and determination of the vertical deformation of the pipe. Originality. For the first time, calculations of the deflected mode and relative deformations of vertical and horizontal cross-sectional diameters of CMS, horizontal ellipse type in the interaction with soil backfill. The factors complex was taken into account the backfill soil compaction degree, the value of dynamic loading of railway transport and different thickness of corrugated metal pipe. Practical value. The results of the deflected mode of corrugated metal structures such as horizontal ellipse of cross sections can be used by engineers in the bridge probation stations of Railways of Ukraine and Ukravtodor, in the project organizations involved in the design of corrugated metal structures.
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