


technical speed, traction calculations, theoretical rise, accelerating force, the radius of the curve


Purpose. To compare the operational characteristics of freight diesel-electric locomotives ER20CF and 2М62м, which are operated with Lithuanian Railways. Important problems on traction calculations are considered in this article. In this article the critical tasks of traction calculations are solved. It is the main computational tool in the rational functioning, planning and development of railways: determination of the estimated weight of the rolling stock, the diagrams construction of specific resultant forces of a train, the permitted speed definition of the train on the slopes, curves of train traffic construction on the section. Methodology. Using the rules and methods of traction calculations the analysis of the basic operational characteristics of the modernized freight diesel-electric locomotive 2М62m and freight passenger dual locomotive 2ER20CF was held. The maximum weight of the train set, the track structure on a high-speed ascent through the use of kinetic energy (with traction and without traction), technical speed, acceleration force and the value of the smallest radius curve are selected as controlled parameters. During the calculations it was considered that the trains were formed of a fully loaded four-axle gondola cars, model 112-119 (feature-606) with axle load of 23.5 t; the motion was carried out on the continuous welded rail track; the front of the train set is a dual locomotive 2ER20CF or two locomotive 2М62м. Longitudinal profile of the road on the route Vilnus–KlF was analyzed for the choice of theoretical rise. Inspection concerning the possibility of overcoming the high-speed rise was performed with an analytical method, based on the use of the kinetic energy accumulated by the overcoming of «light» elements of the profile. Findings. In the calculations, the maximum weight of the train set taking into account theoretical rise was analyzed. The inspection of the theoretical weight of the train set on a reliable short rise of slope that is larger than the theoretical one was carried out. Values of the acceleration force depending on the speed of the train and parameters of the longitudinal profile, values of the smallest curve radius depending on the movement speed, which are developed by the different locomotives in the traction mode, were accessed. Originality. The analysis of the operational parameters of the modernized locomotive 2М62м and dual diesel locomotive of new generation 2ER20CF was held. The maximum weight of the composition, technical speed, the accelerating force and the value of the smallest radius curve were selected as controlled parameters. Practical value. The obtained results can be used for more efficient operation of locomotives on Lithuanian Railways.

Author Biographies

L. V. Ursulyak, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan

Dep. «Structural Mechanics»

V. A. Sirotenko, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan

Branch Scientific and  Research Laboratory of Dynamics and Strength of Rolling Stock


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How to Cite

Ursulyak, L. V., & Sirotenko, V. A. (2015). ANALYSIS OF THE OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF DIESEL-ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES. Science and Transport Progress, (1(55), 155–164.

