MPLS TE technology, traffic engineering, flow rate, bandwidth utilization, TE-tunnelAbstract
Purpose. In railway transport of Ukraine one requires the use of computer networks of different technologies: Ethernet, Token Bus, Token Ring, FDDI and others. In combined computer networks on the railway transport it is necessary to use packet switching technology in multiprotocol networks MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching) more effectively. They are based on the use of tags. Packet network must transmit different types of traffic with a given quality of service. The purpose of the research is development a methodology for determining the sequence of destination flows for the considered fragment of computer network of UZ. Methodology. When optimizing traffic management in MPLS networks has the important role of technology traffic engineering (Traffic Engineering, TE). The main mechanism of TE in MPLS is the use of unidirectional tunnels (MPLS TE tunnel) to specify the path of the specified traffic. The mathematical model of the problem of traffic engineering in computer network of UZ technology MPLS TE was made. Computer UZ network is represented with the directed graph, their vertices are routers of computer network, and each arc simulates communication between nodes. As an optimization criterion serves the minimum value of the maximum utilization of the TE-tunnel. Findings. The six options destination flows were determined; rational sequence of flows was found, at which the maximum utilization of TE-tunnels considered a simplified fragment of a computer UZ network does not exceed 0.5. Originality. The method of solving the problem of traffic engineering in Multiprotocol network UZ technology MPLS TE was proposed; for different classes its own way is laid, depending on the bandwidth and channel loading. Practical value. Ability to determine the values of the maximum coefficient of use of TE-tunnels in computer UZ networks based on developed software model «TraffEng». The input parameters of the model: number of routers, channel capacity, the number of streams, the average flow velocity. As a result of the model «TraffEng» choices variants of TE-tunnels with the corresponding values of the maximum coefficient of their use are presented.
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