railway wheels, tires, microstructure, damage, destructionAbstract
Purpose. The dependence analysis of structural changes in the metal of railway wheels and tires from indicated influences in operation, for the further development of strategy of service reliability growth. Methodology. Test materials are the details selected from railway wheels which were taken out of operation beforehand because of various damages. Micro-structural researches were made with the use of light microscope Epiquant and electron microscope. The sizing of structural elements was done by using the methods of quantitative metallography. Findings. Over the past few decades the rapid development of industry was supported by the steady growth of intensity of using railway transport. In this case simultaneous increase of load at wheel set axle, with the increase of speed was accompanied by natural increase of the amount of cases of premature wheels and tires’ withdrawing out of operation. Railway wheel, except the formation of metal layer at rolling surface with the high defects concentration of crystal structure and first of all dislocations, falls under thermal influence from interaction with break blocks. The nature of joint influence (cold deformation and heating) on the metal rim of a wheel is conditioned by the appearance of sufficiently high gradients of structural changes that can be considered as the influence on the level of internal residual stresses. In case of the rise of volume part of carbide phase at a constant ferrite grain size, it is achieved only by the increasing of dislocation nucleation sources without changing the number of annihilation positions. In this case the accumulation of dislocations at the initial stages of plastic deformation (in metal volume in front of delta arm crack) will lead to the formation of cementite globes around certain interlocked dislocation density. In contrast the sharp increase of deformation hardening carbon steel parameters is observed. Originality. During the braking of locomotive the speed rise of metal heating at rolling surface is provided with the increase of temperatures that is enough for the beginning of phase transformations. Under the further cooling there is the formation of a number of structures formed from sliding to diffusive mechanisms. As a result the chosen areas become the centers of future metal deformations on wheels’ rolling surface and tires. Practical value. Based on the study of patterns of damages’ formation in railway wheels and tires from the peculiarities of internal metal structure and the working conditions «Classifier of defects» was developed аnd «Technical tips for determination of causes of cracks in solid-rolled railway wheels and destruction in general», which have been implemented on Ukrzaliznytsia.
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