



rational investment, set function, multi-objective optimization, income increase, investment volume, time of project realization, highly efficient national economy


Purpose. Main aim of research is improving the investment`s efficiency of industrial`s enterprises and economic sectors. Methodology. Methodological approaches to estimation of investment`s efficiency are improved by means of insights and analysis methods as well as by the methods of mathematical and economic modeling. Findings. Efficient mechanism for estimation rational level of using of investments was created and tested. The approach allows defining rational dependence between basic components of investment process (increase of income, volume of involving investment and time of investment project realization). Originality. Authors developed new economic-mathematical approach with aim of rational using of financial resources during the period of capital deficit. Approach based on solving problem of multi-objective optimization by means of using of set function. Application of proposed approach is up-to-date because of unstable economic situation in Ukraine. Practical value. As a result of using the developed economic-mathematical approach the rational options of investment can be found. The approach provides an opportunity to analyze a large number of possible investment projects and reduce it to the most profitable for investor. Developed approach also can be used in forming process of principles of highly efficient national economy.

Author Biographies

S. V. Myamlin, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Dep. «CarsandCarFacilities»

K. V. Zhyzhko, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Dep. «EconomicsandManagement»


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How to Cite

Myamlin, S. V., & Zhyzhko, K. V. (2014). UPGRADING OF ECONOMIC SIMULATION METHODS FOR INCREASING EFFICIENCY OF INVESTMENTS. Science and Transport Progress, (6(54), 34–41. https://doi.org/10.15802/stp2014/32656

