Experimental Study of the Regularities of Deformation of the Rubber Cord Shell of a Pneumatic Spring of High-Speed Rolling Stock
deformation, pressure, potentiometric linear displacement sensor, air spring, rubber cord shellAbstract
Purpose. The aim of this work is to establish the regularities of deformation of the rubber cord shell in the vertical and horizontal directions in the case of changes in the internal pressure in the pneumatic spring by static experimental studies. Methodology. A static test bench was used to establish the regularities of deformation of the rubber cord shell of a pneumatic spring. Changes in the internal pressure in the pneumatic spring were achieved using a compressor, and the deformation of the rubber cord shell was measured directly by high-frequency potentiometric linear displacement sensors. The deformation of the rubber cord shell of a pneumatic spring in both the vertical and horizontal planes was studied under the condition of changing the internal pressure in the spring in the range from 0 to 5 atm. Findings. Using the designed test bench, a methodology for experimental studies of the deformation of a rubber cord shell with increasing internal pressure in a pneumatic spring was developed. The dependences of the deformation value of the rubber cord casing of a pneumatic spring when the internal pressure changes in the range of 0÷5.0 atm were obtained. It is established that the deformation of the rubber cord casing with an increase in the internal pressure in the pneumatic spring in the horizontal plane is more intense compared to the vertical plane. It is found that the maximum values of deformation of the rubber cord shell of a pneumatic spring in the vertical and horizontal directions are observed at the initial stage of air injection in the range of pressure changes from 0 to 0.5 atm. The polynomial equations describing the deformation dependences of the rubber cord shell of a pneumatic spring were obtained. Originality. The regularities of deformation of the rubber cord casing in the vertical and horizontal planes at different values of the internal pressure in the pneumatic spring were determined by experimental static studies. Practical value. The study of the regularities of deformation of the rubber cord shell will contribute to a more accurate modeling of the operation of the pneumatic spring and a reliable determination of its dynamic performance. This will make it possible to use the dynamic performance of the air spring in the spatial mathematical model of the rolling stock at the design stage, as well as to evaluate its dynamic performance and traffic safety indicators.
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