Analysis Of Power Quality Parameters and Devices for Their Measurement
parameters of electric power quality, electromagnetic compatibility, devices, harmonics, voltage, current, powerAbstract
Purpose. The main objective of this study is to assess the phenomena that affect the parameters of power quality, to consider ways to counteract the deterioration of power quality, to assess the effect of electromagnetic interference on the human body, and to review the available devices for measuring the parameters of electric energy. Methodology. To obtain relevant data, the authors conducted a literature review on the topic of the work using full-text and abstract databases. The main causes of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) violations and ways to counteract these violations are considered. The main parameters of electricity quality, conditions for their measurement and permissible ranges according to the State Standards of Ukraine (SSU) are highlighted. A review of devices for measuring the parameters of electricity quality and the search for a suitable one that meets Ukrainian standards was carried out. Findings. The authors have proved: 1) the problem of measuring electricity quality parameters is relevant and important for its accurate accounting; 2) control of electricity quality parameters and compliance with state standards allows avoiding negative impact on the electricity supply system; 3) the use of modern digital measuring devices provides greater measurement accuracy than analog ones, and they are able to take into account more parameters in one measurement. Originality. The authors conducted a study in the field of electromagnetic compatibility in the field of electromagnetic compatibility using a digital device that gives more accurate and reliable results of power quality parameters. Practical value. Based on the results obtained, it is possible both to correct the personal research of individual scientists or teams of scientists and to predict further prospects for the development of the subject area «Electromagnetic Compatibility» in traction power supply systems in railway transport. The research can also be useful in the study of the disciplines «Electromagnetic Compatibility of Railway Automation Systems» and «Electrical Circuits and Lines of Railway Automation», organization of scientific and practical seminars, advanced training courses, etc.
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