Research of the influence of design parameters of a vibrating conveyor on its technical characteristics
drive, power, performance, vibrating conveyorAbstract
Purpose. The study is aimed at: determining the nature of the influence of design data on the technical characteristics of a two-pipe vibratory conveyor with an eccentric drive, in particular, the pipe diameter and drive power; building analytical dependencies of these values on the design characteristics: type and properties of the cargo, length of transportation, productivity; conducting a graphical analysis of the influence. Methodology. To achieve this goal, we used the calculation algorithms presented in the modern technical literature and analyzed the factors and values that affect the values of drive power and pipe diameter. It has been established that to determine the drive power of vibratory conveyors, it is necessary to carry out a detailed calculation, which includes: the angular velocity of the conveyor, the rotational speed of the eccentric shaft, the material transportation speed, the internal diameter of the pipe, the total mass of the oscillating system, the stiffness of the elastic system and the parameters of the springs, the forces in the connecting rod in the case of the resonant mode of operation and during the start-up period. Findings. For a two-pipe vibrating conveyor designed to transport a lead conglomerate, a graphical analysis of the influence of the length of transportation, productivity on the drive power and overall dimensions of the pipe was carried out. It was found that the function of the pipe diameter change with capacity is nonlinearly increasing (when other parameters are fixed), and the drive power with capacity is linearly increasing. Originality. The authors first studied the dependence of drive power and pipe diameter of a two-pipe vibrating conveyor with an eccentric drive on the lower pipe, and built analytical dependencies of technical characteristics (power and diameter) on design parameters: productivity, transportation length, type and physical and mechanical properties of the transported cargo. For a conveyor that transports lead sinter, graphical dependencies of the pipe diameter and drive power on the capacity and length of the conveyor were constructed. Practical value. The use of the constructed dependencies makes it possible to determine the general nature of the change in the above technical characteristics in the case of varying design parameters such as conveyor capacity and length. The proposed dependencies can be used to quickly determine the rational power of the conveyor drive for specific design data.
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