maintenance system, frequency of control, minimization of costs for the maintenance system, hydraulic transmission of a locomotiveAbstract
Purpose. Modern methodologies for maintaining technical facilities are focused on simultaneously ensuring a given level of equipment reliability and minimizing system maintenance costs. The development of maintenance systems is usually based on the use of equipment reliability data, analysis of diagnostic results and forecasting of the residual life of locomotive equipment. In addition, the development of maintenance systems takes into account the costs of maintenance and repair of components. The main goal of the study is to increase the efficiency of the locomotive fleet by reducing the cost of maintaining locomotives, taking into account the technical condition of its components. Methodology. To achieve this goal, we propose a methodology for determining the rational periods for diagnosing locomotive components based on minimizing the cost of diagnostics and performing maintenance and repair of equipment. To determine the frequency of control, we used data on the reliability of components and parts obtained from the processing of statistical information on the operation of locomotives in operation, as well as data on the costs of restoring components in the event of failures. Findings. A method for determining the rational periods for diagnosing locomotive components based on minimizing the cost of diagnosing and restoring them in case of failure is proposed. Based on the analysis of the reliability of hydraulic transmissions of locomotives in their operation, the reliability indicators of hydraulic transmission units and parts are determined in the form of dependencies of the average number of hydraulic transmission failures on the operating time of the locomotive. A techno-economic map of hydraulic transmission repair and a techno-economic map of its diagnostics have been developed. The results of determining the frequency of diagnostics of the hydraulic transmission UGP750–1200PR of diesel locomotives TGM4 and TGM6 are presented. Originality. The methodology for determining the frequency of monitoring the technical condition of locomotive components has been further developed by taking into account the impact of the system of preventive, scheduled maintenance and diagnostics on the reliability of the locomotive. Practical value. The use of the proposed methodology for the formation of a system for repairing and diagnosing locomotives and their components will allow the formation of a system for maintaining locomotives taking into account their actual condition.
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