Deep Attenuation Use for Traction Motors of Mainline Electric Locomotives
excitation attenuation coefficient, magnetic flux, traction engine, speed, voltage, current, power, traction characteristic, electric locomotive, regulatorAbstract
Purpose. Given the need to improve the performance of modern mainline rolling stock, the authors analyze the possibility of using deeper regulation of attenuation. Methodology. The analysis of the operation of the thyristor-pulse converter of ER200 electric train is performed. It is established that in the acceleration mode at the limit traction characteristic it is necessary to consider two zones: the zone of constant value of traction force and the zone of constant power. A method for determining the minimum value of the attenuation coefficient for different types of DC and PC traction motors was proposed. The methods of theoretical research and analytical calculation of electrical circuits, theoretical foundations of electric traction, mathematical modeling of electrical and energy processes were used for the analysis. Findings. The complex of theoretical research and calculations allows confirming the technical possibility of deep attenuation use to regulate the speed regulation and obtain additional across-the-line positions for the rolling stock with DC and PC traction motors. The minimum attenuation coefficient value for different types of traction motors was determined. Originality. The methodology for determining the minimum value of the attenuation coefficient for traction motors of main electric locomotives in terms of using deeper magnetic flux control, replacing the use of experimental research data with theoretical studies. The essence of the studies is to form the required type of the limit traction characteristics by reducing the minimum permissible value of the excitation coefficient, which will reduce the electricity consumption. The research on determination of quantitative indicators of electricity consumption for the analysis of energy saving reserves on the main transport was further developed. Practical value. The results of theoretical research can be the basis for the modernization of main electric locomotives of direct and pulsating current with the systems of deep attenuation regulation. The research conducted will make it possible to create recommendations on designing the systems of magnetic flux regulation for traction engines with the improved technical and economic characteristics which are capable to increase the transport process efficiency on the main transport.
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