Morphological Evaluation Results of Some Features of Alluvial Sands in the City of Dnipro
sandy soils, sand particles, intergranular contacts, number of grains, grain roundness, grain sphericity, grain morphology, sand fractionsAbstract
Purpose. The research is aimed to obtain some missing data on the morphology of river sands within the city, in particular, reliable quantitative indicators that can be used in the calculation of soil bases. Methodology. According to the experimental-analytical method, a complex soil morphology was used, which takes into account the shape and nature of the grain surface in the entire sand volume studied. Morphological assessment was carried out not only for individual sand particles, but also for the entire volume of the soil studied, due to this an important factor in the formation of the shape and nature of the sand grain surface is the mineral composition of sand. For the most of the studied sands, quartz was the predominant mineral. In further studies, it is planned to study the Dnipro River sands of deeper horizons, which would make it possible to obtain data on the formation of contacts between sand grains, which can be lamellar or other shapes. Findings. This paper presents the results of determining morphological indicator, as well as studying the shape and nature of the surface of alluvial sand grains of the 1st floodplain terrace of the Dnieper River valley in the area of Monastyrskyi Island in the central part of the city. The results of similar works on the study of a number of genetic types of Quaternary sands of various genesis in the Dnieper River valley were also analyzed. Due to this analysis, data were obtained on the morphology of monomineral oligomictic alluvial sands, the shape and nature of the alluvium sand grains surface. Originality. For the first time for the central region of the city, some basic morphological characteristics of river Quaternary sands of the Dnieper River valley were obtained. It is also possible to note the tendency of decrease of morphology indicator in river sands of the Dnieper valley from sources to the mouth. Practical value. With all confidence, the results of the studies carried out can be implemented in the sandy soils of the foundations of buildings and structures of the city, as well as to artificial earthworks, in particular, alluvial massifs.
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