Development of Analytical Methods for Calculating Time Standards for Shunting Operations
railway transport, railway station, private siding, shunting operations, time standardsAbstract
Purpose. The article is aimed to conduct a historical analysis of the development of analytical methods for standardizing the duration of shunting operations, as well as assessing their compliance with the existing operating conditions of railway transport. Methodology. The research in this article was carried out on the basis of an analysis of literary sources and methods of the theory of the organization of the operational work of railways. Findings. The standardization of the duration of shunting operations is one of the most important tasks of the theory of operational work of railways. The existing method of standardizing the duration of shunting operations developed in the first half of the 20th century and is used to this day. The performed analysis shows that the scientific principles underlying it generally correspond to the modern conditions of the railway transport. Additional research in this area can be associated with assessing the influence of the initial location of cars on the tracks on the average duration of shunting operations, taking into account the influence of length restrictions of the cars groups being moved, as well as monitoring the implementation of established norms by statistical methods. The article also shows that the values of modern time standards for shunting operations, in many cases, are set for technical means and technologies that were used in railway transport in the 50–70s of the 20th century and do not correspond to the operating conditions of real stations and sidings of industrial enterprises. Therefore, they require revision. Originality. In this paper, based on historical analysis, the process of development of methods for setting the time for shunting operations is described and the factors influencing the current value of norms are established. Practical value. The research results make it possible to identify the reasons for the discrepancy between the existing time standards for performing shunting operations and the real operating conditions of stations and sidings of industrial enterprises, as well as to establish the main elements of the methodology for standardizing the duration of shunting operations that require revision.
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