railway bridges, beam bridges, railway load, dynamic coefficient, national standards of Ukraine, sanitary norms and rules, State Standard, SNRAbstract
Purpose. The article analyzes the railway load LM71 for the purpose of its application in national design projects of the railway girder bridges. Purpose of the article is harmonization of national design codes of enginnering structures with the European standards (Eurocodes). Methodology. Analytical calculation methods (influence lines), the matrix analysis and computer programming are used in the article. Findings. Deflected mode parameters of the railway bridges under the influence of loads C14 and LM71 have certain differences. The extent of these differences depends on length, material of drift structures and also on dynamic coefficients. These dependences should be considered in national design codes and in harmonized with Eurocodes standards. In the further researches relationships between load C14 and models SW, HSLM taking into account various dynamic effects and trains speedis planned to determine. Originality. The presented results, in particular deflected mode parameters (including loads with dynamic coefficients), obtained for the first time. Practical value. Results of research are used in National Annex to the National Standard of Ukraine NSTU-N B EN 1991-2:2010. Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. Part 2. Traffic loads on bridges (EN 1991-2:2003).
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