Estimation of external factors influence on the organizational and resource support of engineering
organizational-resource support, engineering industry, influence of external factors, company, correlation coefficient, malleability coefficientAbstract
Purpose. The engineering industry is characterized by deep specialization and high co-operation, which suggests a high degree of interaction with other industries and the economy, highly sensitive to external factors. Effective regulation of the engineering industry’s organizational-resource support will ensure coherence of all the subsystems of the market economy, the competitive environment, a full course of the investment process and the success of the industry. Therefore there is a need for detailed estimation and analysis of the external factors’ influence on the formation and implementation indexes of the engineering industry’s organizational-resource support. Methodology. To establish the close connection between the set of external factors of formation and implementation indexes of the engineering industry organizational-resource support the correlation analysis was used, to calculate the amount of the formation and implementation indexes of the engineering industry organizational-resource support’s change under the influence of the external factors with malleability coefficient were applied. Findings. The external influence factors on the engineering industry organizational-resource support by the source of origin: industrial, economical, political, informational, and social were separated and grouped. The classification of the external factors influence on the engineering industry organizational-resource support, depending on their influence’s direction on the formation and implementation indexes of the engineering industry’s organizational-resource support was made. The connection closeness and the amount of the formation and implementation indexes of the engineering industry organizational-resource support change (the machinery index of and the sales volume machinery index) under the influence of the external factors with malleability coefficient were determined. Originality. The estimation of the external factors influence on the formation and implementation indexes of the engineering industry’s organizationalresource support was improved, which allows identifying the most influenced external factors and the amount of the formation’s and implementation’s indexes of the engineering industry’s organizational-resource support’s change. Practical value. The estimation of the external factors influence on the formation and implementation indexes of the engineering industry’s organizational-resource support allows detecting, developing and adjusting the necessary and effective levers of government regulation.
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