



individual laboratory test method, railway ballast material, particle degradation, breakage, dynamic fatigue test, static pressing test, CT equipment, 3-D image analysis


Purpose. The most railway lines in the world have so called traditional ballasted superstructure. The authors think that it is important to learn about the process of ballast degradation. There are only two types of standardized laboratory test methods in the EU to assess railway ballast particle degradation and describe the rock physic characteristics, but are not suitable for modelling the railway stress-strain circumstances of ballast materials, and they particles. In this paper the authors represent some conclusions from their research that the authors experienced during their individual fatigue laboratory test and from new additional tests. With these kind of testing methods, the deterioration process of railway ballast particles can be assessed more realistic and precisely. Methodology and new directions. There are two types of laboratory tests which are presented in this article. The first one was performed by using a shear box with a special layer structure that is loaded by dynamic, pulsating force; while the second one was executed by using a 140 mm diameter HDPE tube with its original closing element that is loaded by ZD-40 machine. Findings and problems. There is a development after the R&D work made and published in 2014, in 2017 and 2018 years the ballast particle deterioration process is given according to more intermediate fatigue cycles with individual measurements that show more precise «picture» about the full particle degradation, i.e. breakage process. The authors give more accurate correlation functions between the calculated parameters and load cycles during fatigue. However, there are many factors in the test that need to be improved in the future. Therefore, the authors have discovered other additional tests. Originality. The most important goal of the authors that supplement the currently used regulation with new measurement methods. Practical value The authors’ developed and new methods may serve as a basis for a future instruction or regulation. The publishing of this paper was supported by EFOP 3.6.1-16-2016-00017 project.

Author Biographies

E. Juhasz, Széchenyi István University

Dep. «Transport Infrastructure», Széchenyi István University, Egyetem tér 1., Győr, Hungary, 9026, tel. + 36 (96) 613 544,
e-mail juhasz.erika@sze.hu

S. Fischer, Széchenyi István University

Dep. «Transport Infrastructure», Széchenyi István University, Egyetem tér 1., Győr, Hungary, 9026, tel. + 36 (96) 613 544,
e-mail fischersz@sze.hu


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How to Cite

Juhasz, E., & Fischer, S. (2019). SPECIFIC EVALUATION METHODOLOGY OF RAILWAY BALLAST PARTICLES’ DEGRADATION. Science and Transport Progress, (3(81), 96–109. https://doi.org/10.15802/stp2019/171778

