The influence of high-frequency vibrations on derailment stability coefficient of cars at wheel flange climbing on the rail
derailment stability coefficient of a car, friction coefficient, high-frequency vibrationsAbstract
Purpose. Taking into account the traffic safety priority on the railway transport the search of factors promoting increase of derailment stability coefficient is an actual task. Purpose of the paper is the influence researches of the high-frequency vibrations on the train traffic safety parameter. In this case the special form of the wheel rim, at which its rigidity changes according to the harmonious law, was considered as a source of vibrations. Methodology. For the analysis of the vibration influence on the change of friction coefficient values the methods of so called vibrational mechanics were used. For determination of vibration amplitudes through moving the wheel flange points the finite-elements method was also used in the paper. Findings. During calculations it was established that the derailment stability coefficient to a great extent depends on the friction coefficient between wheel and rail. The paper shows that the friction coefficient in turn is influenced by the high-frequency vibrations. The form of the wheel rim was considered as a vibration source and the parameters characterizing vibration were calculated. It was given the quantitative estimation of the friction coefficient change under the vibration influence. It was also scientifically based the high-frequency vibration influence on the derailment stability coefficient. Originality. The paper proved the possibility of high-frequency vibration influence on the derailment stability coefficient. The studies theoretically substantiated the traffic safety increase in the presence of vibrations in the contact area of the wheel flange with the rail caused by special form of the wheel disc. Practical value. It is shown that the use of undulating wheel disc form do not constitute a threat to the traffic safety, and the availability of high-frequency vibration can reduce the derailment probability.
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