Investigation of transient processes in tonal track circuits
tonal track circuits, track receiver, transient processes, complex frequency characteristic, spectrum, distortionAbstract
Purpose.The purpose of investigation is the search for new analysis methods of tonal track circuits, the definition of signal waveform at the track receiver input. Methodology. The method of frequency characteristics was used for investigation of transient processes. Signal spectrum at the output of track generator was determined using fast Fourier transform. Signal spectrum at the input of track receiver was calculated after determining complex frequency characteristic of the tonal track circuit. To carry out such calculations the frequency characteristics of rail line parameters have been obtained resulting interpolation of reference data and the frequency characteristic of track receiver impedance has been calculated. To determine the signal time dependence at the input of track receiver the inverse fast Fourier transform was applied.Findings. The causes of signal distortion in the tonal track circuits have been clarified.Track filter and input filter of track receiver restrict upper and lower sidebands of the signal spectrum, which leads to prolonging the rise and fall of signal pulses.The rail line, cable lines, and the devices for protection and alignment do not affect the shape of signal pulses, and change only their amplitude. At influence of rise and fall of signal pulses in the connected RLC circuits of receiver arise free oscillations at the resonance frequencies. As a result of the interference of these oscillations occur beats and appears additional pulse. Originality. The method for the analysis of tonal track circuits has been improved that allows determining not only the level but also the time dependence of signal at the track receiver for any input action. Practical value. Obtained time dependence of signal at the track receiver input will be useful in the development of the new more perfect methods for determining the state of tonal track circuit. Proposed method of track circuit analysis may be used to search for new more informative form of signal current.
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