tank container, dynamics, stability, simulation, structural loading, train ferry transportationAbstract
Purpose. The research is aimed at revealing the peculiarities of stability determination for a tank container relative to the frame of a flat car during transportation by train ferry. Methodology. In order to reach the purpose, the mathematical modelling of dynamic loading of a tank container located on a flat car during the train ferry transportation was conducted. The model takes into account the tank container displacements relative to the flat car frame and liquid cargo in the tank, the displacements of which are limited by the tank’s walls. It was assumed that the flat car, with tank container on it, was rigidly fixed relative to the deck of the train ferry and moved together with it. A 1CC type tank container located on a 13-4012 flat car was chosen as a prototype. While designing the model, the following aspects were considered: the trochoidal law of motion of the disturbing action (sea waves) on the train ferry with containers, the dissipative component occurring due to the train ferry oscillations under conditions of sea rolling, the relative bearings of sea waves to the train ferry body, and the wind force to the above-water projection of the train ferry, flat car located on the upper deck and tank containers. The differential equations of motion were solved in the Mathсad with their reduction to the normal Cauchy form with subsequent integration by the Runge–Kutta method. The acceleration values obtained, as the components of the dynamic loading, were considered in the stability research for the tank container relative to the flat car frame. Findings. The author obtained the clarified values of dynamic loadings, acting on the tank container located on a flat car during the train ferry transportation. Originality. A mathematic model of displacements of a tank container located on a flat car during the train ferry transportation was developed. Practical value. The findings of the research can be used at designing tank containers of a new generation with improved technical and economical, as well as ecological indices.
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