



conveyor, production line, PDE-model of production, production control systems, unfinished production, mass production


Purpose. The article is aimed at designing a control system for the parameters of a production line for an enterprise with a straight flow method of organizing production. Methodology. The production line at the enterprise with a straight flow method of organizing production is a complex dynamic distributed system. The flow route for manufacturing a product for many modern enterprises contains several hundreds of technological operations, in the inter-operating reserve each of which there are thousands of products waiting to be processed. The flow routes of different parts of the same type of products intersect (re-entrant manufacturing systems). This leads to the fact that the distribution of subjects of labor along the technological route has a significant impact on the throughput capacity of the production line. To describe such systems, a new class of production line models (PDE-model) has been introduced. To describe the behavior of the flow parameters of the production line, a production line model containing partial differential equations (PDE model) was used. The PDE-model of the production line is built in the article, the flow parameters of which depend on the value of utilization rate of the technological equipment for each operation. Findings. The authors obtained the optimal control of the flow parameters of the production line, which is based on the algorithm for changing the utilization rate of the technological equipment of the production line. The single-shift working time pattern is considered as a basic regulatory treatment of the production line operation. To simulate the work of technological equipment after the shift, the generalized Dirac function was used. Originality consists in the development of a method for designing control systems for the parameters of the production line of enterprises with a straight flow method of organizing production based on the PDE-model of the control object. The authors proposed a method for constructing an optimal control of the parameters of the production line through the control of the utilization rate of the technological equipment. When designing a control system, the production line is represented by a dynamic system with distributed flow parameters. Practical value. The proposed method for designing a control system for the flow parameters of a production line can be used as the basis for designing highly efficient production flow control systems for enterprises manufacturing semiconductor products of the automobile industry.

Author Biographies

G. K. Kozevnikov, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Pushkinska St., 79-2, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, тел. +38 (050) 776 88 79, e-mail kgk4711@gmail.com

O. M. Pihnastyi, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Pushkinska St., 79-2, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002,
tel. +38 (067) 572 50 29, e-mail pihnastyi@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Kozevnikov, G. K., & Pihnastyi, O. M. (2019). DISTRIBUTED DYNAMIC PDE-MODEL OF PROGRAM CONTROL BY UTILIZATION OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT OF PRODUCTION LINE. Science and Transport Progress, (1(79), 81–93. https://doi.org/10.15802/stp2019/159489

