scientific school of transport mechanics, Academician V.A. Lazaryan, Academician N.G. Bondar, Professor E.P. Blokhin, DNURTAbstract
Only now, in the era of high-speed railway transport, there is a realization concerning the greatness of pioneering research 50 years ago of Academician V. A. Lazaryan, his fellow students, their demand and relevance in the evolutionary development of railways in the world. The work is the author's memoirs about the outstanding representatives of the scientific school of transport mechanics (including in the direction of the dynamics and stability of the trains movement) – Academician V. A. Lazaryan, Academician M. H. Bondar, Professor Y. P. Blokhin. They and their students, an informal creative team of researchers of different generations, continued and continue the work of their leader – Academician V. A. Lazaryan.References
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