railway transport, time-schedule, carrying capacity, simulation modelingAbstract
Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to improve the simulation model of railway direction to evaluate the use of carrying capacity by separate trains. Methodology. The paper deals with the evaluation of the carrying capa-city of railways used at the railways of Ukraine, the European Union, and the USA. It is noted that the reform of the railway transportation market will cause an increase in the quality requirements for the evaluation of the carrying capacity used by trains of various carriers. As the main method for evaluating the carrying capacity in the work, the methods of traction calculations, the organization of movement at railway transport and simulation modeling were used. Findings. The authors developed a simulation model of the railway direction, which reflects both the structure and the interaction of its individual elements. The model includes train model, model of railway infrastructure, mo-del of traffic management, information model. Simulation of the direction functioning is carried out by stages. At the first stage, the movement simulation of single trains is performed. At the second stage, occupation coordination of the railway infrastructure of stations and runs by trains is carried out. Departure of trains to the run is carried out with the possibility of ensuring the permissible intervals between the data, as well as the previous and subsequent trains, the developed model is implemented in the form of the «Traffic Schedule» program. Originality of the work lies in the fact that it proposes an improved simulation model of the railway direction, which reflects the process of trains passing through the sections and railway stations and makes it possible to evaluate the influence of the carrying capacity use degree on the train movement duration. Practical value. The results obtained in this work allow us to estimate the influence of trains that run according to schedule on the conditions for passing the trains that run without schedule.
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