Resistance leveling to changes on railway enterprises under implementation of reforms


  • E. N. Shyrokova Dep. “Economics of Railway Transport”, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Ukraine



reformation, restructuring, resistance to changes, competitiveness, leveling


Purpose. The observed tendencies in the development of the national economy require stable implementation of planned reforms in the sphere of industrial and economic activities of the railway transport in the strategic railway branch. At the same time the issue of resistance elimination to changes that innovative solutions may cause is topical. To study the subject matter of resistance manifestation to implementable changes and search for solutions on the problem in question as well. Methodology. Methodology in an article is based on the use of consistent methodological technique. Findings. It contains the author’s point of view on necessity of taking changes resistance into account during restructuring and further reformation. Emphasized is the need for careful planning of changes and current detection of obstacles that inevitably, for a variety of reasons, arise. Originality. The causes of resistance to changes from different points of view were identified in this paper. Their classification was made and some advice for manifestation leveling of resistance to changes was offered. Practical value. The rational application of measures for resistance leveling to the introduced measures will provide not only high-quality and fast implementation of the reform program, but also its implementation with minimum time and finance losses. That is an important factor in competitiveness increase of railways under unstable economic development. 

Author Biography

E. N. Shyrokova, Dep. “Economics of Railway Transport”, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport

Feyerbakh Sq. 7, 61050, Kharkiv, Ukraine, tel. + 38 (057) 730 19 72, e-mail


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How to Cite

Shyrokova, E. N. (2013). Resistance leveling to changes on railway enterprises under implementation of reforms. Science and Transport Progress, (3(45), 7–12.

