Analysis of parameters change effect of weight flatness functions in boundary density and ash content on model stability of coal fractional composition description
fractional composition, stability, weight distribution function, boundary density, ash contentAbstract
Purpose. The fractional composition information recovery is one of the main problems of coal enrichment, as the quality of its solving directly affects at all the processes of coal preparation plant. Due to the fact that this model has a stochastic nature, as well as the method of identifying the model parameters, a promising direction for further research is to analyze the effect of errors in the determination of model parameters on its stability. This requires an analysis of the experimental data to assess changes effect of weight flatness functions in boundary density and ash content on model description stability of coal fractional composition. Methodology. The problem is solved by methods of mathematical statistics and stochastic processes, and optimization methods. Findings. Analysis carried out of changes effect of weight flatness functions in boundary density and ash content on model description stability of coal fractional composition has shown the following. In a small neighborhood of the parameters a0, a1, b0 and b1 assessment of the relative error in determining the output of narrow fractions and assessment of the relative error in determining the average ash content of narrow fractions is less than 0.05. Practical value. The analysis showed that in a small neighborhood of the optimal values of the model parameters describing coal fractional composition an error in determining the composition of the coal output and an average ash content is not very sensitive to changes in parameter values and do not exceed the error of obtaining experimental data.
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