Method of construction of rational corporate network using the simulation model
physical and logical structuring of the network Fast Ethernet, Virtual Local Area network, trunking, frame ÌEEE 802.1Q standardAbstract
Purpose. Search for new options of the transition from Ethernet technology. Methodology. Physical structuring of the Fast Ethernet network based on hubs and logical structuring of Fast Ethernet network using commutators. Organization of VLAN based on ports grouping and in accordance with the standard IEEE 802 .1Q. Findings. The options for improving of the Ethernet network are proposed. According to the Fast Ethernet and VLAN technologies on the simulation models in packages NetCraker and Cisco Packet Traker respectively. Origiality. The technique of designing of local area network using the VLAN technology is proposed. Practical value.Each of the options of "Dniprozaliznychproekt" network improving has its advantages. Transition from the Ethernet to Fast Ethernet technology is simple and economical, it requires only one commutator, when the VLAN organization requires at least two. VLAN technology, however, has the following advantages: reducing the load on the network, isolation of the broadcast traffic, change of the logical network structure without changing its physical structure, improving the network security. The transition from Ethernet to the VLAN technology allows you to separate the physical topology from the logical one, and the format of the ÌEEE 802.1Q standard frames allows you to simplify the process of virtual networks implementation to enterprises.
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