


mechanism for moving the electrode, balanced electrode holder, dynamic system, electrodynamic effect, oscillation, amplitude


Purpose. The article is aimed: 1) to develop a mathematical model and to determine the dynamic parameters of a mechanical system of balanced electrode holder of electric arc furnace; 2) to perform a comparative estimation of the maximum amplitudes and the nature of forced and free decaying oscillations of the electrode in the horizontal plane after the electrodynamic load drop for the balanced electrode and the electrode holder with a rigid mount of the sleeve to the rack; 3) to determine the characteristics of the dry friction damper based on the orthogonal wedge mechanism with the initial tension of the linear elastic elements, subject to the possible amplitudes and frequencies of oscillations of the electrode holder Methodology. The solution is carried out by the methods of theoretical mechanics and the theory of oscillations, dynamic analysis of the electrode holder mechanical system taking into account non-stationary electrodynamic excitation. Simulation of mechanical oscillations of the electrode in the horizontal plane was carried out by means of MathCAD Findings. The dynamical system of the balanced electrode holder of three-phase electric arc furnace on the basis of a double physical pendulum with elastic dissipative bonds is considered. The parameters of the dynamic model and electrodynamic excitation of oscillations are determined. Differential equations of forced oscillations of a dissipative system with two degrees of freedom are formulated. The mathematical modeling of forced and free oscillations of an electrode in a horizontal plane is executed. Originality. The dynamic synthesis of the balanced electrode holders of the electric arc furnace is carried out for the first time, taking into account the possible electrodynamic effects on the current-carrying elements of the bearing structure and the electrode. Dynamic synthesis and analysis of such structures of electrode holders was not performed before. Practical value. Practical recommendations and analytical dependencies for choosing the dynamic parameters of mechanical system of balanced electrode holder under condition of minimum deviation of the electrode from the initial position in the horizontal plane are developed. The design of dry friction damper based on orthogonal wedge mechanism with linear elastic elements and their initial tension is proposed.

Author Biographies

A. O. Vlasov, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy

Dep. «Metallurgical Equipment», Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy, Soborny Av., 226, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, 69006,
tel. +38 (061) 227 12 42,

S. V. Zdanevich, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

Dep. «Applied Mechanics», National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Gagarin Av., 4, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005,
tel. +38 (050) 452 79 52,


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How to Cite

Vlasov, A. O., & Zdanevich, S. V. (2018). IMPROVING ΤΗΕ MECHANICAL SYSTEM OF ΤΗΕ ELECTRODΕ HOLDER TO REDUCE ELECTRODE VIBRATION. Science and Transport Progress, (4(76), 68–80.



Mechanical Engineering