emergency situations at railway transport, organization peculiarities, accident recovery works, operational response, emergency train, fire trainAbstract
Purpose. The work is aimed to generalize the information on the current state and organization peculiarities of the rescue and emergency works during the elimination of emergency situations at railway transport of Ukraine. Methodology. In the process of research, the analysis methods were used to study the content and main provisions of domestic and foreign scientific publications, normative legal acts of Ukraine and other sources on conducting accident recovery works during elimination of the emergency consequences at railway transport. Findings. Taking into account the positive domestic and foreign experience in conducting rescue and emergency works during elimination of transport accidents at railway transport, the aims of practical application and interaction of the administrating authorities and the forces of functional subsystem of prevention and response to the threat or occurrence of emergency situations are expanded in the work. It is determined the possibility to take these peculiarities into account when planning, organizing and performing accident recovery works during elimination of the emergency consequences at railway transport. Originality. The obtained results make it possible to widen the concept of "emergency situation at railway transport". The functions and tasks of administrating authorities, forces and means of the functional subsystem of prevention and response to the threat or occurrence of emergency situations at the state, regional and object level are determined. It was described the interaction organization of the emergency operations centers, coordinating organs and civil defense forces during response to emergency situations. Practical value. Taking into account the peculiarities of the conditions in which the rescue and accident recovery works will be carried out at railway transport will allow to increase the efficiency of works and interaction of administrating authorities and the forces of functional subsystem of prevention and response to the threat or occurrence of emergency situations.
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