



transportation of dangerous goods, railway transport, emergency incidents, fire, geo-information technologies


Purpose. The paper aimed at analysis of the current state of railway traffic safety at the transportation of dangerous goods, as well as the assessment of emergency events and the level of security based on statistical analysis. Methodology. The objective is achieved through theoretical generalization and analysis of modern knowledge and ideas about the prediction of accidents with dangerous goods. Geo-information systems are used for the analysis of security systems for transportation of dangerous goods by rail. Findings. Authors analyzed the types of incidents that occurred on the railway in recent years. The main causes of emergencies are: technical malfunction of cars; extremely high depreciation of fixed assets, deficiency in organizational factors in the transportation of goods, violation of safety rules for cargo operations, interference of unauthorized persons during transportation and the suchlike. One of the main causes of dangerous events is the extremely high depreciation of fixed assets. A map of potential hazards and emergencies has been developed for the transportation of dangerous goods using geo-information technologies. The results of the research are aimed at practical solutions to the problems of improving the safety and stability of rail transport in emergency situations. The transportation safety of dangerous goods should be developed by: investigating the likelihood of emergency threat; increase the efficiency of decision-making for the elimination of the consequences of accidents; development of technology for liquidation of consequences of emergency situations; implementation of the satellite navigation system. Originality. The paper presents the scientific substantiation and development of the basis for forecasting emergencies at railway transport facilities. The reasons of occurrence of events with dangerous cargoes are estimated. The map of Ukraine is drawn up according to the number of events and depending on the types of incidents on the railway. Practical value. The use of the proposed approach will allow determining the quality of any decision-making system, especially when planning rescue operations, planning forces and facilities for the localization and elimination of emergency situations. The practical value of the work consists in obtaining a scientifically based and at the same time acceptable methodology for practical workers in assessing the stability of the transportation process on individual sections of the railways, as well as developing recommendations for road sections with increased accidents.

Author Biographies

Y. V. Buts, Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Dep. «Environmental Technologies, Ecology and Life Safety», Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Nauka Av., 9A, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166,
Email: butsyura@ukr.net

E. V. Kraynyuk, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Dep. «Metrology and Life Safety», Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Yaroslav Mudryi St., 25, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61000,
Email: alenauvarova@ukr.net

D. S. Kozodoy, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Center of Dangerous Goods Carriage Entities, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feierbakh Sq., 7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61000,
Email: dmitry_1980@ukr.net

V. V. Barbashin, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy

Dep. «Labor Protection and Life Safety», O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy, Marshal Bazhanov St., 17, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002,
Email: barbachyn@ukr.net


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How to Cite

Buts, Y. V., Kraynyuk, E. V., Kozodoy, D. S., & Barbashin, V. V. (2018). EVALUATION OF EMERGENCY EVENTS AT THE TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE TECHNOGENIC LOAD IN REGIONS. Science and Transport Progress, (3(75), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.15802/stp2018/134347

