Economic and mathematical justification of train traffic volume distribution on the direction of rail transportation with parallel runnings Znamenka – Odessa


  • N. A. Logvinova Dep. “Stations and Junctions”, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan,



capacity, railway direction, trains movement sizes, economic and mathematical modeling


Purpose. Determination of the economic grounded sizes of motion of freight trains between the areas of railway direction with parallel runnings. A research task is distribution in the operative terms of train work at admission of freight trains between the areas of railway direction with parallel runnings. Methodology. Research is executed with the use of classic methods and methods of the linear programming. Findings. The rational train traffic volume distribution on a railway infrastructure with parallel runnings is presently carried out by an expert method on the basis of information about the before executed volumes of transportations without application of feasibility study. For the task solution of train traffic volume distribution between parallel runnings of railway direction a linear model and methods of the linear programming are used in operative terms. At a design all train traffic volume on a direction part on undistributed train traffic volume – which remaines unchanging for all variants of operative management and distributed – which it is possible to redistribute in some limits between parallel runnings of railway direction. Originality. From the scientific point of view the work is interesting and important by the methods of the linear programming, which allow conducting train traffic volume distribution between parallel runnings in operative terms. Practical value. The practical value of this research is in applying of the described economic and mathematical modeling methods of train traffic volume distribution between parallel runnings on direction Znamenka - Odessa. 10 pairs transmission of freight trains from basic direction Pomoshnaya – Kolosovka – Odessa on parallel direction Pomoshnaya - Kotovsk – Separate is Odessa can be included with the optimum variant.

Author Biography

N. A. Logvinova, Dep. “Stations and Junctions”, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Lazaryan Str., 2, 49010, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, tel. +38 (067) 524 43 22, e-mail


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How to Cite

Logvinova, N. A. (2013). Economic and mathematical justification of train traffic volume distribution on the direction of rail transportation with parallel runnings Znamenka – Odessa. Science and Transport Progress, (2(44), 92–98.

