Research of properties of modern heat-insulation materials
heat conductivity, energy efficiency, heat-insulation, silicate, durability, water absorption, flammability, toxicity, porosity, density, strengthAbstract
Purpose. To study the modern heat-insulating materials presented at the market of Ukraine and to estimate the efficiency of their application. Methodology. Research and analysis of heat-insulating materials presented at the market of Ukraine, according to the existing standards. Findings. To ensure the energy efficiency in buildings and constructions it is necessary to apply the domestic heat-insulating material, which possesses the given thermo technical characteristics, reduced indexes of water absorption, flammability and toxicity, as well as durability and relatively low self–cost. Originality. Basic heat-insulating materials, which are most widely used in construction are systematized, the researches of their properties are conducted and the foam glass is chosen as the most effective heat-insulating material. It is characterized by high thermo technical characteristics and possesses the best ecological indexes, as well as the sturdiness for aggressive factors influence. Practical value. Special attention deserves the insulating material foam glass, which is a synthetic silicate material with evenly placed pores (0.1 ... 5.0 mm) separated by thin septa with a vitreous substance possesses the necessary properties and by aforesaid may be accepted for studies aimed its improvement (modification). The results of researches can be applied in the foam glass production, which is used for heat-insulation of buildings and constructions, equipment, pipelines etc.
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