


municipal solid waste, mobile waste recycling complex, railway transport, waste gases, incineration, material balance


Purpose. The solid waste management system in Ukraine consists from the land disposal of waste. In this case, there is no control over environmental pollution, which in turn leads to environmental risks. A considerable amount of solid waste is formed at the railway transport enterprises. The solution of the problem of the elimination of wastes generated at large railway stations and in the process of servicing trains, namely directly at the place of their formation, is considered in this work. Methodology. The authors propose to use mobile waste processing plants, which eliminate the negative impact of the process of accumulation of solid industrial and municipal waste on the human habitat; while they can serve a certain number of waste producers. The study was conducted on a waste processing plant (WPP-300) located in Kharkiv on the Southern Railway. Findings. The design and purpose of the main units of waste processing plant are described. The bottom ash after incineration of solid waste accounts for 5-10 % of the initial volume of waste and corresponds to the safe IVth class of the waste classification catalog. Multi-stage thermal catalytic cleaning of waste gases provides concentration of harmful substances, including dioxin group within the limits of permissible norms. For complete combustion of all components of the waste, the temperature in the furnace was 850-900 ºC, the presence of flue gases in the afterburner at 1100-1200 ºC for at least two seconds, the defined excess air 1.4. Originality. The authors for the first time conducted a study of the parameters of incineration of various elemental wastes. We calculated the total theoretical volume of combustion products on a mobile waste-processing complex. Practical value. The use of a mobile incineration plant allows solving the problem of solid domestic waste disposal. As shown by the practice of its operation, such measures are justified and are not only economically viable, but also environmentally friendly. The results of the work allow estimating the amount of waste gases at various morphological compositions of the waste of the railway transport.

Author Biographies

O. P. Krot, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Dep. «Safety Life and Environmental Engineering», Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Sumskaya St., 40, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, 
tel. +38 (057) 700 30 08, 

O. I. Rovenskyi, North-East Scientific Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Department of the Regional Ecology, North-East Scientific Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bahalii St., 8, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61000, tel. + 38 (057) 706 30 42,

V. V. Koniev, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Dep. «Building Materials, Structures and Constructions», Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Feierbakh Sq., 7, , Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61050,
tel. + 38 (067) 575 05 51,


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How to Cite

Krot, O. P., Rovenskyi, O. I., & Koniev, V. V. (2018). THERMAL TREATMENT OF SOLID WASTE GENERATED BY RAILWAY TRANSPORT. Science and Transport Progress, (4(76), 15–24.

