
The war waged by Russia against Ukraine once again confirms its inhumane expansionist nature. The information environment, education, and science of the aggressor states are becoming one of the means of implementing the policy of the criminal regime. Information, literary, and scientific sources created in a society that largely supports the aggressive actions of its government cause both moral and material damage to the Ukrainian people, and the Russian scientific community is no exception. For the most part, having the opportunity to work with domestic and foreign non-Russian, especially Western, sources, educators and scholars, for various reasons, continue to pay too much attention to Russian sources, often unjustifiably so. The use of information, literary and scientific sources of aggressor states, and therefore references to them, increases their social significance and scientific weight, the ratings of their authors, and legitimizes the information presented in these sources and Russian science in general. In many cases, this fact may not be consistent with the legal and moral position of our society and state, as well as the international community that supports us in our struggle.

These circumstances led to the preparation by the Ethics Committee of the National Agency of Recommendations on the termination (restriction) of the use of information sources of the aggressor state in scientific publications, which you can find here: