ISSN 2307–3489 (Print), ІSSN 2307–6666 (Online)
та прогрес транспорту. Вісник
національного університету залізничного
транспорту, 2019,
№ 4 (82)
рухомий склад і тяга поїздів
«Cars and Car
Dnipro National University of Railway
Transport named after
Academician V. Lazaryan, La-zaryan St., 2, Dnipro,
Ukraine, 49010,
tel. +38 (067) 953 60 14, e-mail,
«Theoretical and
Structural Mechanics»,
Dnipro National University of Railway
Transport named after
Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipro,
Ukraine, 49010,
tel. +38 (050) 214 14 19, e-mail,
«Car and Car Facilities», Dnipro National University of Railway
Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan,
Lazaryan St., 2,
Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010, tel./fax +38 (056) 776 82 27,
ORCID 0000-0002-0565-1692
«Car and Car Facilities», Dnipro National University of Railway
Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan,
La-zaryan St., 2,
Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010, tel./fax +38 (095) 235 19 67,
e-mail, ORCID 0000-0002-0717-2521
Purpose. The paper is aimed at determining the influence of non-symmetrical loading of a flat car on the magnitude of the wear factor of a wheel-rail pair when changing the operation parameters that occur in operation. Methodology. The dynamic loading of the flat car, model 13-401 with typical three-piece bogies is studied using a model of spatial oscillations of a five-car coupling with the help of mathematical and computer simulation. Theoretical calculations are performed for the most dangerous sections of the railway track-small and medium radius curves in the range of permissible speeds. Findings. The indicators of wear of the rolling stock wheels and the rails are analysed on the example of flat cars in the presence of a longitudinal and transverse displacement of the load mass centre relative to the car symmetry centre. To obtain information on the effect of permissible deviations of the arrangement of cargo in the car on the magnitude of the dynamic loading of the wheel-rail contact, the authors performed theoretical studies of the spatial variations of the rail carriage and its interaction with the track. Originality. To determine the wear of the wheel-rail pair, the effect of displacement in two directions from the central axis of symmetry of the load gravity centre was studied, taking into account the value of the travel speed along the curved sections of the small and medium radius using a mathematical model of coupling of five freight cars. Practical value. As a result of the theoretical studies carried out, the authors assessed such factors as wear factor, directional force, and hunting of the wheel set of freight rolling stock in the event of load gravity centre displacement when moving along curved sections of the railway track. To establish the possible cause of intensive wear of the wheels and rails, the following parameters were analysed: lozenging of front bogie side frames; hunting of the left side frame of the front bogie; mutual longitudinal movement of the side frame and axle box of the front wheel set; mutual hunting of the left side frame of the bogie relative to the front wheel set.
Keywords: load; flat car; lozenging of bogie side frames; load gravity centre displacement; angle of wheel set hunting; travel speed; wear factor
The intensity of the wheel-rail wear is so far one of the most serious problems of rail transport. The analysis of publications and studies related to this issue has shown that increased wear of rails and rolling stock can be caused by several reasons associated with both the state of the carriage chassis and the state of the rail track in curved sections [5, 8, 9, 16].
Wear of wheels and rails depends on physical and mechanical processes occurring in the area of their contact. The nature of these processes and their intensity depend to a large extent on external influences on the surface of the contact point, in particular, on the interaction forces of the contacting bodies and their relative displacements. Therefore, one of the possible ways to solve the problem of reducing the intensity of wear of the wheel flanges and rail head side surfaces is to establish conditions for reducing external impacts on the contacting bodies, or reducing the dynamic loading of the contact point. Of particular importance are the reciprocal movements of the contacting bodies, as the wear is associated with the work of friction (pseudo-slipping forces) in the contact area. Therefore, the solution to this problem is to minimize the forces of interaction and mutual displacement of the wheel-rail pair in the points of contact.
Determination of the wear index is connected with the task of studying spatial oscillations and the interaction of rail carriage and track. For solving this problem the Dnpro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan developed the mathematical models that make it possible to determine the necessary values of forces and displacements, and to obtain the wear indicator as the resultant value [2-4, 12, 15]. With these models, it is possible to obtain solutions for various types of wheel-rail contact, to take into account the rigidity of the structural elements and the various deviations from the initial configuration of the system, such as the misalignment of the wheel set axles in the bogie, the difference in the wheel radii of one wheel set, of different wheel sets in a bogie and different bogies, rail gradient and wheel profile of various types, change in the cross gap of the wheel set and rail track, the change of longitudinal and cross clearance between the axle-boxes and side frames, the displacement of the body mass center relative to the car symmetry, etc. [5, 13, 17-19, 20-22].
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of non-symmetrical loading of a flat car on the magnitude of the wear factor of a wheel-rail pair when changing the operation parameters.
studies of the dynamic loading of the wheel-rail contact during the
movement of 13-401 model flat car with typical bogies 18-100 in the
speed range
km/h in the small and middle radius curves
were performed using the model of spatial oscillations of a five-car
coupling (Fig. 1) [2-4, 6, 10, 21].
Fig. 1. Design diagram of the five-freight-car coupling
The flat car is considered as a mechanical system (Fig. 2), which consists of 12 solids (load, car frame, two bolsters, four bogie side frames, four wheel sets).
Fig. 2. Design diagram of the 4-axle flat car
In our
research we studied the effect of the load mass center shift on the
flat car frame in the longitudinal
and transverse directions
as well as in both directions
simultaneously. Preliminary theoretical studies have shown that in
the presence of a transverse or simultaneous transverse and
longitudinal displacement of the load mass center over
m there is a sharp decrease in the
derailment coefficient and a high probability of rolling stock
derailment [21].
order to
determine the
effect of
only the
load mass
displacement on
the factor
of wheel
and rail
wear, the
displacement in
the transverse
and simultaneous
transverse and
directions is
within the
m and
The stationary movement of a
five-freight-car coupling in the right curve is studied.
Consequently, the left wheel of the first wheel set climbs the outer
rail. The carriage chassis, the wheel rolling surface and the rail
head profile are provided in a normal technical condition.
The graphs of
variance of the studied parameters during the movement in the curve
sections of the track
and 350 m are shown in Fig. 3-8. The
displacement in the longitudinal direction (Fig. 3, 4) is considered
in the range from 0 to
For a detailed analysis of the physical processes occurring during
the sliding of the wheel flange on the rail side face, it is
necessary to investigate the corresponding dependences of the
directional force and the striking angle of the wheel set [5].
can be
seen from
Fig. 3 (a,
increase of
the longitudinal
displacement of
the load
mass center
has almost
no effect
on the
wear factor.
This indicator
is significantly
influenced by
the travel
speed. In
m, the
wear factor
F with
an increase
in speed
from 50 to
70 km/h
decreases by
2.7 times. The
wear factor
in the
curves of
the small
radius is
greater than
values in
the curves
of the
average radius
by 16.8÷6.7
times in
the speed
This can
be explained
by the
higher levels
of the
(Fig. 3, c,
and the
hunting angles
(Fig. 3, e,
f) in
the curves
m. At
a speed of 90 km/h, the index
in case of increasing the longitudinal
displacement in the curve
m from 0 up to 0.3 m is significantly
differs from the speed interval
km/h and exceeds the corresponding values
by an average of 29.5%. In addition, the hunting angles
in both curves have a sign «–»,
that is, the wheel sets rotate in the track plane against the
direction of the curve in accordance with the accepted rule of the
signs (Fig. 2).
а                                                                                                     b
c                                                                                                    d
e                                                                                                    f
3. Graphs of dependence on load displacement
in the longitudinal
– wear factor; c,
– directional force acting from the rail side on the wheel;
– hunting of the wheel set
The disadvantages of the three-piece bogie of 18-100 model include the possibility of side frames lozenging under the action of the longitudinal components of the frictional forces on the wheel-rail contacts, which causes loss of the bogie frame geometry and the appearance of distortions of the wheel set axle therein. In addition, the design of the side frame box opening and the axle box presupposes the presence of longitudinal and transverse gaps between the box housing lug and the box opening guides, through which the nature of their contact can also change. This phenomenon negatively affects the dynamics of the car and, as a result, leads to intensive wear of the wheel flanges [1, 7, 9, 14, 23].
In addition, the mutual longitudinal lozenging of side frames are particularly harmful when moving along curved track sections, as they cause the turns of the wheel sets in the track plane against the direction of the curve. This, in turn, increases the striking angles of the wheel flanges on the rails, resulting in their mutual wear, since this reduces the contact area of the flange with the rail side face and, accordingly, increases the specific pressure on it, which determines their wear.
determine the
probable cause
of the
intense wear
of the
wheels and
rails during
the movement
in the
m, let
us consider
the following
lozenging of side
frames of
the front
bogie; hunting
of the left side frame of the front bogie;
mutual longitudinal displacement of side
frame and axle box of the front wheel set;
mutual hunting of the bogie left side
frame relative to the front wheel set
a                                                                                                    b
c                                                                                                    d
4. Graphs of dependence on load displacement in the
longitudinal direction:
of side frames of the front bogie;
of the left side frame of the front bogie;
longitudinal displacement of side frame and axle box of the front
wheel set;
hunting of the bogie left side frame relative to the front wheel set
The results
of theoretical studies in Fig. 4 show that the lozenging of the side
frames of the front bogie
(Fig. 4, a)
and the hunting of the left side frame of the front bogie
(Fig. 4, b)
at a speed of 90 km/h are 5 times less than in the range of
The hunting angles
also have the sign «–»,
that is, the left side frame of the front bogie rotates in the track
plane against the direction of the curve. Significant increase in
the wheel set hunting angles
occurs due to significant mutual
longitudinal displacements of the side frame and the axle box of the
front wheel set
(Fig. 4, c),
as well as the hunting of the left side frame of the bogie relative
to the front wheel set through the shift of the boxes in the side
frame openings
(Fig. 4, d).
There is almost no dependence of the values of the indicators
on the load shift in the longitudinal
displacement of the load is considered in the range from
to 0.15
m (Fig. 5, 6) [11].
a                                                                                                          b
c                                                                                                          d
e                                                                                                          f
5. Graphs of dependence on load displacement in the transverse
– wear factor; c,
– directional force acting from the rail side on the wheel; e,
– hunting of the wheel set
5 shows the
effect on
the studied
parameters of
the transverse
displacement of
the load
mass center
in the
With increased
the wear
factor F
(Fig. 5, a)
in the
m does
not change
so linearly,
as in
case of
but also
decreases in
case of
speed rise.
In the curve
m F
decreases due to the load relief of the climbing wheel. Exception
from the
general picture,
as in
the previous
case, is
the speed
of 90 km/h.
The wear factor curve F
(Fig. 5, b)
has extremes for
m in both directions from the axis of symmetry of the flat car
frame. In case of transverse displacement of the load mass center,
there are higher directed forces
(Fig. 5, c,
d) and hunting angles
(Fig. 5, e,
f) in the curves
m. The wheel set hunting
at the speed of 90 km/h in the curve
m is
also significantly different from the speed range
km/h and is directed in the track plane
against the direction in both curves.
a                                                                                                          b
c                                                                                                          d
6. Graphs of
dependence on
displacement in
the transverse
of side frames of the front bogie;
of the left side frame of the front bogie;
longitudinal displacement of side frame and axle box of the front
wheel set;
hunting of the bogie left side frame relative to the front wheel set
dependencies in Fig. 6 show that the front bogie side frame hunting
(Fig. 6, a)
at speed of 90 km/h are 7 times smaller than in the range of
and 2 times smaller than at equivalent value for longitudinal
displacement. Comparing Fig.
4, b
and Fig. 6, b,
we should note that the presence of a transverse displacement of the
load mass center on the flat car leads to significant changes in the
nature of the hunting of the left side frame of the front bogie
at a speed of 90 km/h. The hunting
(Fig. 6, b)
also have the «–»
sign. As for longitudinal displacement, a significant increase in
the wheel set hunting angles
occurs due to significant mutual
longitudinal displacements of the side frame and the axle box of the
front wheel set
(Fig. 6, c),
as well as the hunting of the left side frame of the bogie relative
to the front wheel set through the shift of the boxes in the side
frame openings
(Fig. 6, d).
With the exception of the speed of 90 km/h, the values of the
due to the load shift in the transverse
direction decrease in case of additional loading of the non-climbing
simultaneous displacement of the mass center along the axes
is considered for
in the range from –0.15
to 0.15 m and
m (Fig. 7) [11].
a                                                                                                          b
c                                                                                                          d
e                                                                                                          f
7. Graphs
– wear factor; c,
– directional force acting from the rail side on the wheel;
– hunting of the wheel set
Fig. 7 shows
the graphs of dependence of the studied parameters on the magnitude
of the load mass centre displacement in the transverse direction
for the longitudinal displacement
m. As can be seen from the comparison of
the graphs given in Fig. 5 for
and Fig. 7 for
m, there are significant differences in
the indicators F
in the curve
m at
the speed of 90 km/h. The hunting angles
in both curves have a «–»
sign and are directed against the direction of the curve. Other
studied indicators remain almost the same both for the transverse,
and for simultaneous transverse and longitudinal displacement of the
load mass centre.
Analysing the
dependences on Fig. 8 it is possible to conclude that the presence
of simultaneous longitudinal and transverse displacement of the mass
centre significantly affects the lozenging nature of the front bogie
side frames
(Fig. 8, a)
and the hunting of the left side frame of the front bogie
(Fig. 8, b)
at the speed of 90 km/h.
a                                                                                                          b
c                                                                                                          d
8. Graphs
of dependence
on load
displacement in
the longitudinal
and transverse
of side frames of the front bogie;
of the left side frame of the front bogie;
longitudinal displacement of side frame and axle box of the front
wheel set;
hunting of the bogie left side frame relative to the front wheel set
In case of
simultaneous longitudinal and transverse displacement, a significant
increase in the wheel set hunting angles
also occurs due to significant
longitudinal mutual displacements of the side frame and the axle box
of the front wheel set
(Fig. 8, c)
and the hunting of the bogie left side frame relative to the front
wheel set through the shift of the boxes in the side frame openings
(Fig. 8, d).
Unlike indicators
that are almost unchanged at simultaneous
longitudinal and transverse displacement, the values of the
are much lower.
The Rolling Stock Dynamic and Strength Research Laboratory of DNURT conducted dynamic (running) tests of the experimental train in order to determine the dynamic load of the wheel-rail contact and the indicators characterizing the wear of the wheel set flanges and the rail side faces, for the most likely operational deviations from nominal ones in the dimensions of the carriage elements in the range of speeds 30-70 km/h. There were tested the freight flat cars of model 12-532 on three-piece bogie of model 18-100, having different state of carriage chassis, which to some extent could affect the wear of wheels and rails. For conducting the tests, there was formed an experimental train consisting of a car-laboratory, testes flat cars and ChS-2 electric locomotive. To obtain reliable information on the effect of variations in the dimensions of the chassis elements on the magnitude of the dynamic loading of the wheel-rail contact, all stages of the tests were performed on one section of the joint track [8].
We tested three loaded gondola cars with the following features in the carriage chassis dimensions:
1) Gondola No. 1, which had 6 mm difference of sideframe bases of one of the bogies (2 184.5 and 2 190.5 mm);
2) Gondola
No. 2, which
had 3 mm
deviation in
the wheel
diameters of
one wheel
set (926 and
923 mm);
3) Gondola
No. 3, which
had the
deviations in
the dimensions
of the
carriage chassis
elements from
the nominal
and was
taken as
a standard
During the dynamic testing on the experimental gondola, the following values were recorded: frame forces for wheel sets; dynamic increments of the vertical forces acting on the wheel set boxes; longitudinal and horizontal transverse displacement of the boxes relative to the bogie side frames; horizontal transverse acceleration of boxes; bolster hunting angles relative to the body; the value of lozenging of bogie side frames. During the tests, we used the sensors of displacement and bogie side frame lozenging.
Fig. 9, a shows the general view of one of the axlebox mounts of the tested cars equipped with an acceleration sensor and two small displacement sensors, and Fig. 9, b shows the tested bogie of the 3rd standard car, with installed «in-line» camcorders, a curve entry sensor, attached to the box cover, small and large displacement sensors and an acceleration sensor.
а – a                                                                                                          б – b
Fig. 9. Equipment
of tested cars with measuring equipment:
axlebox mount of
the tested car with an acceleration and small displacement sensors;
look of the tested
standard car bogie;
Fig. 10 shows the printouts of the recorded changes of the longitudinal displacements of the first wheel set axlebox mount relative to the side frames and lozenging of the first bogie side frames of the first and third cars during the movement of the tested train at a speed of 70 km/h. The output value of the total longitudinal clearance of the box in the box opening was 16 mm. The scale time (horizontally) is selected so that the graphs display the records for the entire tested section. At the printing time of 100 seconds, the graphics correspond to approximately two kilometres, run by the experimental train along the section, including a straight line, a curve with 600 m radius, a short line between curves, a curve with 290 m radius and a straight line. From these records it is clear that entering into the curve with 290 m radius has a striking character.
a                                                                                                          b
c                                                                                                          d
Fig. 10. Variances
b –
longitudinal displacements of axle boxes of the first wheel set
to the first bogie side frame of the first and third
cars respectively;
d –
lozenging of the first bogie side frames of the first and third cars
longitudinal displacement of the axle boxes relative to the side
frames (Fig. 10, a, c)
is relatively small, their double amplitude does not exceed 5
mm. Moving during the lozenging of the side frames (Fig. 10, b,
d) have rather large values, their
amplitude reaches 40 mm. The recordings of displacements of the
axlebox mounts and lozenging of side frames show the displacements
that correspond to the break of the frictional forces during the car
negotiation into a curve with 290 m radius. Based on the processing
of the test results, it has been established that the magnitude of
the longitudinal displacements of the axlebox mounts
increase slightly with increasing
velocity. The largest values
did not exceed 3-4 mm for the first car,
regardless of the radius of the curve. For the second car during
the movement in the curve
m the greatest values
did not exceed 2-3 mm, and in the curve
m – 1-1.5 mm. For the third car, the
in the curve
m did
not exceed
3.5 mm, and
in the
m – 2-3 mm.
For comparison:
the longitudinal
displacement of
the boxes
relative to
the flat
car side
frames in
the curve
m according
to the
results of
the calculations
was 0.5-2
mm, and
lozenging of bogie side frames 17-22
mm in
the velocity
for all
variants of
the load
gravity center
Somewhat lower values of the parameters
can be explained by the larger truck-center spacing.
Taking into account the fact that the experimental train for conducting dynamic (running) tests was formed from the gondola cars of the model 12-532, and the theoretical calculations are given for the flat car of the model 13-401, we note that the obtained results have a rather high coincidence. The results of calculations, as well as the data of experiments, indicate that the wear indicators in these cases, in general, grow with increasing speed. The value of wear indicators for other equal conditions during the movement of cars in the curve with 300 m radius is higher than during movement in the curve with 600 m radius.
Originality and practical value
In the process of research, we obtained the following scientific and practical results:
– Mathematical model of coupling of five freight cars was used to study the effect of the loading characteristics of the flat car on the value of the wheel-rail pair wear factor;
– There are assessed such indicators as the wear factor, the directional force, and hunting of the wheel set of freight rolling stock in the event of load gravity centre displacement when moving along curved sections of the railway track;
– To establish the possible cause of intensive wear of the wheels and rails, the following parameters were analysed: lozenging of front bogie side frames; hunting of the left side frame of the front bogie; mutual longitudinal movement of the side frame and axle box of the front wheel set; mutual hunting of the left side frame of the bogie relative to the front wheel set;
– The influence of speed on the mentioned indicators is investigated.
Based on the analysis of theoretical studies conducted on the example of a flat car, the following conclusions can be drawn:
– Lozenging of bogie side frames of a flat car in the range of speeds of 50-80 km/h does not affect the factor of wear of wheels and rails both at longitudinal and transverse displacement of the load mass center;
– Longitudinal displacement of load on flat cars does not cause an increase in the studied parameters;
– The most probable reason for the intensive wear of wheels and rails under the same conditions of motion is the temporary change in the running characteristics of some carriages, namely, an increased angle of climbing of individual wheels due to the bogie rotation relative to the track or due to the rotation of the wheel set axle due to the box shift in the bogie side frame openings.
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Modeling, simulation and applications of longitudinal train dynamics / C. Cole, M. Spiryagin, Q. Wu, Y. Q. Sun // Vehicle System Dynamics. – 2017. – Vol. 55. – Іss. 10. – P. 1498–1571. doi:10.1080/00423114.2017.1330484
Shatunov, O. V. Study of dynamic indicators of flat car with load centre shift / O. V. Shatunov, A. O. Shvets // Наука та прогрес транспорту. – 2019. – № 2 (80). – С. 127–143. doi: 10.15802/stp2019/165160
Wu, Q. Longitudinal train dynamics: an overview / Q. Wu, M. Spiryagin, C. Cole // Vehicle System Dynamics. – 2016. – Vol. 54. – Іss. 12. – P. 1688–1714. doi: 10.1080/00423114.2016.1228988
Ye, Y. Small-amplitude hunting diagnosis method for high-speed trains based on the bogie frame’s lateral–longitudinal–vertical data fusion, independent mode function reconstruction and linear local tangent space alignment [Electronic resource]/ Y. Ye, J. Ning // Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. – 2019. – Available at: – Title from the screen. – Accessed : 26.06.2019. doi: 10.1177/0954409718825412
О. В. Шатунов1*, А. О. Швець2*, О. А. Кирильчук3*, А. О. Швець4*
«Вагони та вагонне господарство»,
Дніпровський національний університет
транспорту імені академіка
В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро,
Україна, 49010, тел.
+38 (067) 953 60 14,
ел. пошта,
ORCID 0000-0002-1115-0093
2*Каф. «Теоретична
та будівельна механіка», Дніпровський
національний університет залізничного
транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна,
вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро, Україна, 49010,
тел. +38 (050) 214 14 19,
ел. пошта, ORCID 0000-0002-8469-3902
«Вагони та вагонне господарство»,
Дніпровський національний університет
транспорту імені академіка
В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро,
Україна, 49010, тел. +38 (056) 776 82 27,
ел. пошта
e-mail, ORCID 0000-0002-0565-1692
«Вагони та вагонне господарство»,
Дніпровський національний університет
транспорту імені академіка
В. Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро,
Україна, 49010, тел.
+38 (095) 235 19
ел. пошта, ORCID 0000-0002-0717-2521
Мета. У науковій роботі потрібно провести визначення впливу несиметричного завантаження вагона-платформи на величину фактора зносу пари «колесо-рейка» в разі зміни параметрів, що мають місце в експлуатації. Методика. Динамічну навантаженість вагона-платформи моделі 13–401 з типовими трьохелементними візками досліджено з використанням моделі просторових коливань зчепу з п’яти вагонів за допомогою математичного й комп’ютерного моделювання. Теоретичні розрахунки виконано для найбільш небезпечних ділянок залізничної колії-кривих малого й середнього радіуса в інтервалі допустимих швидкостей руху. Результати. Проаналізовано показники зносу коліс рухомого складу й рейок на прикладі вагонів-платформ за наявності поздовжнього й поперечного зміщення центра мас вантажу відносно центра симетрії вагона. Для отримання інформації про вплив допустимих відхилень розташування вантажу у вагоні на величину динамічної навантаженості контакту «колесо-рейка» виконано теоретичні дослідження просторових коливань рейкового екіпажу та його взаємодії з колією. Наукова новизна. Для визначення зносу пари «колесо-рейка» досліджено вплив зміщення у двох напрямках від центральної осі симетрії центра мас вантажу з огляду на величину швидкості руху по кривих ділянках колії малого й середнього радіуса із застосуванням математичної моделі зчепу з п’яти вантажних вагонів. Практична значимість. У результаті проведених теоретичних досліджень оцінено такі показники, як фактор зносу, напрямлена сила й виляння колісної пари вантажного рухомого складу в разі зміщення центра мас вантажу під час руху по криволінійних ділянках залізничної колії. Для встановлення ймовірної причини інтенсивного зносу коліс і рейок проаналізовано параметри: забігання бокових рам переднього візка; виляння лівої бокової рами переднього візка; взаємне поздовжнє переміщення бокової рами й буксового вузла передньої колісної пари; взаємне виляння лівої бокової рами візка відносно передньої колісної пари.
Ключові слова: вантаж; вагон-платформа; забігання бокових рам візка; зміщення центра тяжіння вантажу; кут виляння колісної пари; швидкість руху; фактор зносу
А. В. Шатунов1*, А. А. Швец2*, О. А. кирильчук3*, А. А. Швец4*
«Вагоны и вагонное хозяйство», Днипровский
национальный университет железнодорожного
транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна,
ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днипро,
Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (067) 953 60 14,
эл. почта, ORCID 0000-0002-1115-0093
«Теоретическая и строительная механика»,
Днипровский национальный университет
транспорта имени
академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2,
Днипро, Украина, 49010, тел.
+38 (050) 214 14 19,
эл. почта,
ORCID 0000-0002-8469-3902
«Вагоны и вагонное хозяйство», Днипровский
национальный университет железнодорожного
транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна,
ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днипро, Украина, 49010, тел.
+38 (056) 776 82 27,
почта e-mail,
ORCID 0000-0002-0565-1692
«Вагоны и вагонное хозяйство»,
Днипровский национальный университет
транспорта имени
академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2,
Днипро, Украина, 49010, тел. +38 (095) 235 19 67,
эл. почта, ORCID 0000-0002-0717-2521
при несимметричной
загрузке ПЛАТФОРМЫ
Цель. В научной работе нужно провести определение влияния несимметричной загрузки вагона-платформы на величину фактора износа пары «колесо–рельс» при изменении параметров, имеющих место в эксплуатации. Методика. Динамическую нагруженность вагона-платформы модели 13–401 с типовыми трехэлементными тележками исследовано с использованием модели пространственных колебаний сцепа из пяти вагонов с помощью математического и компьютерного моделирования. Теоретические расчеты выполнены для наиболее опасных участков железнодорожного пути-кривых малого и среднего радиуса в интервале допустимых скоростей движения. Результаты. Проанализированы показатели износа колес подвижного состава и рельсов на примере вагонов-платформ при наличии продольного и поперечного смещения центра масс груза относительно центра симметрии вагона. Для получения информации о влиянии допустимых отклонений расположения груза в вагоне на величину динамической нагруженности контакта «колесо–рельс» выполнены теоретические исследования пространственных колебаний рельсового экипажа и его взаимодействия с колеей. Научная новизна. Для определения износа пары «колесо-рельс» исследовано влияние смещения в двух направлениях от центральной оси симметрии центра тяжести груза с учетом величины скорости движения по кривых участках пути малого и среднего радиуса с применением математической модели сцепа из пяти грузовых вагонов. Практическая значимость. В результате проведенных теоретических исследований оценены такие показатели, как фактор износа, направленная сила и виляние колесной пары грузового подвижного состава в случае смещения центра тяжести груза при движении по криволинейным участкам железнодорожного пути. Для установления возможной причины интенсивного износа колес и рельсов проанализированы параметры: забегание боковых рам передней тележки; виляние левой боковой рамы передней тележки; взаимное продольное перемещение боковой рамы и буксового узла передней колесной пары; взаимное виляние левой боковой рамы тележки относительно передней колесной пары.
Ключевые слова: груз; вагон-платформа; забегание боковых рам тележки; смещение центра тяжести груза; угол виляния колесной пары; скорость движения; фактор износа
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Shatunov, O. V., & Shvets, A. О. (2019). Study of dynamic indicators of flat car with load centre shift. Science and Transport Progress, 2(80), 127-143. doi: 10.15802/stp2019/165160 (in English)
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Ye, Y., & Ning, J. (2019). Small-amplitude hunting diagnosis method for high-speed trains based on the bogie frame’s lateral–longitudinal–vertical data fusion, independent mode function reconstruction and linear local tangent space alignment. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. doi: 10.1177/0954409718825412 (in English)
Received: March 11, 2019
Accepted: July 08, 2019
Commons Attribution 4.0 International
10.15802/stp2019/177457 © O. V. Shatunov, A. O. Shvets, O. A. Kirilchuk, A. O. Shvets, 2019