ISSN 2307–3489 (Print), ІSSN 2307–6666 (Online)
та прогрес транспорту. Вісник
національного університету залізничного
транспорту, 2019,
№ 3 (81)
«Track and Track Facilities», Dnipro
National University of Railway
Transport named after Academician V.
Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipro,
Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373
15 42, e-mail,
ORCID 0000-0003-2081-5648
2*Dep. «Track and
Track Facilities», Dnipro National University of Railway
named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipro,
Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (066) 868 53 59 , e-mail,
ORCID 0000-0002-7518-9106
Purpose. The research is aimed at determining changes in the state of the geometrical parameters of the railway track, depending on the passing tonnage in dynamic interaction with the 25 tf/axle load rolling stock. Methodology. For data acquisition, the authors carried out a statistical analysis of the indicators of digital measurements of the track condition by KVL-P track-measuring cars. Using the program of calculating the mean-square deviation of the geometric parameters of the track, the deviation of the track parameters within the test sections was estimated. Findings. During the observation period it was found that on average the intensity of track strain accumulation increases. However, according to the results of the factor dispersion analysis with 0.95 probability, it is impossible to unequivocally state the impact of the factor of using the cars with an axial load of up to 25 tf/axle on the deterioration of the track condition parameters. Herewith it should be noted that the share of cargo carried in the cars with axial load of up to 25 tf/axle during the observation period was less than one per cent. According to the values of the mean-square deviation, the state of the geometrical parameters of the track and their predicted changes were estimated, which showed that the increased axial load will lead to decreased life of the rails, which are the most expensive elements of the track structure, shortened service life of the railroad switches and increased labor costs for workers involved in track repair and maintenance. The corresponding reduction of inter-repair periods, which corresponds to the standards, is projected. In order for heavy-duty wagons not to destroy the infrastructure, there must be at least two limitations: by the types of goods transported and by the speed of movement. Originality. The authors conducted a study to assess the impact of cars with 25 tf/axle load on the state of the geometric parameters of the railway track and proposed solutions to the issue of introducing the 25 tf/axle load rolling stock in Ukraine. Practical value. On the basis of the obtained results it is possible to estimate the impact of the axial load on the intensity of the track condition changes and to predict the reduction of inter-repair periods in connection with the track deterioration and in accordance with the train speed restriction.
Keywords: railway track; cost standards; stress; vertical and lateral forces; axle load
The increase in freight capacity on the Ukrainian railways is closely related to increased axle load. In recent years, in many countries of the European Union (EU) with 1520 mm gauge, the axle load is 25 tf/axle in accordance with the technical specifications [8]. In addition to the EU, such axle load was introduced by the countries neighboring to Ukraine, namely Russia, Byelorussia, the Baltic States.
In Ukraine, the axle load is 23.5 tf/axle, which is a restraining factor in the organization of transit freight transportation. In addition, at present, Ukraine already has a rolling stock with an axle load of 25 tf/axle, which must meet the conditions of wear-life and durability. In the case of limited funding, the introduction of axle load of 25 tf/axle can lead to a significant deterioration of the track and hence to the restriction of train speed, as reflected in the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists [1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14–19, 20].
Taking into account the above, increase in the axial load can lead to increased costs for materials and labor, which will undermine the introduction of heavy cars.
Increasing the carrying capacity of cars up to 25 tons per axle is considered as one of the priority directions of railways development. It is estimated that the productivity of such cars is higher by 7-10% due to increased inter-repair mileage and reduced traction costs assuming transportation of one ton of cargo. But a heavier car wears the track more intensely [9].
In order to solve the problem issues, the authors of the article aim to analyse the changes in the state of the geometric parameters of the railway track, depending on the passed tonnage in dynamic interaction with the rolling stock, the axle load of which is 25 tf/axle.
The work was carried out by the employees of the Track and Track Facilities Department and the Track-Testing Branch Research Laboratory, which is accredited as part of the testing center of the DNURT (accreditation certificate of NAAU No. 2N0011).
These tests were carried out in accordance with the program and methodology of conducting tests of impact on the track of the 25 tf/axle load rolling stock, heavy-duty trains. In order to obtain statistical data, the program envisaged assessing the impact of cars with an axle load of 25 tf/axle on the state of the geometric parameters of the railway track, as well as comparing them with the projections.
Statistical surveys were conducted on a single-gauge section of Ukrainska – Kakhovske Sea (PCh-4 Melitopol, regional branch of «Prydniprovska Railways»). The section is one-track railway, of the V-VI track category. With the density of freight traffic G = 5.5 million tons km gross / km per year, the tonnage passed during the observation period is 225 million tons gross. The station Dniprorudne is located on the section.
Given that from the side of railway station Kakhovske Sea to the railway station Dniprorudne all cars go with a load of 23.5 tf/axle, and from Dniprorudne to Ukrainska – tested cars with load of up to 25 tf/axle, two test sections were considered separately:
1) From 30 to 22 km of the block Kakhovske Sea – Dniprorudne, rolling stock with axial load of up to 23.5 tf/axle.
2) From 20 to 3 km of the block Dneprroudne – Ukrainska, rolling stock with 25 tf/axle load [3].
Equipping of track measuring means and track facilities with modern computer technology can significantly improve methods for assessing the geometry of rail track and expand the range of practical problems solved by these methods.
As it is known, for estimating the track state and planning the track work, some European railways use the mean square deviation (MSD) of the track geometric parameters (TGP) and the forecasts of their changes. For example, this practice is adopted at the railways of Austria, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and others [10].
MSD is the most common index of dispersion of the random variable values relative to its mathematical expectation.
MSD shows how much the average value of a characteristic deviates from its average value.
Since the magnitude of MSD characterizes the deviation of the track across the entire considered front, it allows us to estimate the actual state of the track on the experimental section [9].
In this case, a linear model is used that describes the variability of the MSD of TGP depending on the tonnage passed along the track section.
The mean square deviation is always greater than the mean linear deviation.
A small value of the mean square deviation indicates that these points are closer to the mean (mathematical expectation) of the sample, while large values of the standard deviation indicate that the points are distributed in a wider range of values.
The practical use of MSD for data sampling is to estimate the magnitude of how much they deviate from the mean value.
The initial data used for the studies of the actual track state with the help of MSD of TGP were the results of measurements of the track state by KVL-P railroad cars.
In our studies, for this purpose, we obtained copies of the electronic files with the records of the results of the track-measuring car passage along some sections of the Pridniprovska Railways.
The TGP MSD calculation program is developed at the Track and Track Facilities Department of DNURT in MS Excel. This program allows you to evaluate the MSD of the track geometrical parameters within the experimental sections. Converting the records of track-measuring cars we obtained a tabular data on six geometric indicators of the track state (pocket of the left and right lines, position in plan of the left and right lines, pattern, level) [8]. Information on each indicator was considered at intervals of approximately 1.84 m.
In order to analyze the track state according to the proposed method, all records of the track-measuring car for April – November 2018 are processed. Each electronic file is recognized and included in a document with the name of the sheet, which corresponds to the month and year.
The track state indicators for April 2018 on the 1st section are shown in Fig. 1
Fig. 1.
Explanation of electronic file
for April 2018 (2018_04)
Taking into account the lack of accuracy, when binding the measurement commencement to the distance in kilometers, at first all records (for each month) were adjusted in such a way that the initial base would coincide.
Also, taking into account that during measurements a slip of a measuring wheel can occur, the given step (1.84 m) may differ from the actual one in different trips. This step in the data for each month of observations was also corrected (Fig.2).
Fig .2.
Non-coincidence of highs
at the end of the section
According to the proposed method, all records of the track-measuring car for April – November 2018 were processed. The information for each month was stored in a separate sheet MS EXEL with the sheet name corresponding to the month and year.
For each value of the indicator its deviation from the mobile mean value was calculated (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Dependence
of horizontal forces
on running speed
Upon defining the MSD of all parameters for each kilometer of each section, we built the consolidated tables and the charts of MSD change by the passed tonnage (monthly data tied to the passed tonnage).
The deviation of a certain value from the middle line was found by approximating the values located at a distance of 50 meters before and after this value. Approximation is carried out according to the polynomial of the second order.
After composing the equations, we constructed the mean square deviation graphs. The graphs are shown in Figures 4.
To sum up these figures, the mean value is given, determined by the formula:
where L – level in mm; RL– right levelling in mm; LL– left levelling in mm; RP– right pocket in mm; LP– left pocket in mm; P –pattern in mm.
Samples of MSD changes are depicted in Figure 3. The graphs show the equations of the trend lines, which determined the intensity of the change in MSD for the test period for each kilometer.
Fig. 4. Change in mean square deviation on the section of 22-30 km (23.5 t/axle) and 3-18 km (25 t/axle)
Upon determining the intensity of the change in MSD of TGP depending on the passed tonnage in the sections of Kakhovske Sea – Ukrainska, by means of factor dispersion analysis we estimated the influence of the axial load on the intensity of track state changes [7].
From the charts it is seen that the intensity increases by 20%, therefore one can conclude that the axial load affects the state of track geometric parameters. But given the significant spread of these values, we conducted the factor analysis.
To do this, all the received intensities (for kilometers) are divided separately for sections 1 (up to 23.5 t/axle) and 2 (up to 25 t/axle). Output data and the results of the conducted factor analysis are presented in Fig. 4.
The factor dispersion analysis confirmed that, with a probability of 0.95, it cannot be asserted that during the observation period, the axial load affected the intensity of the growth of track irregularities.
It should be noted that with the density of freight traffic along the section of 5.5 million tkm/km per year, during the period of observations (April-October 2018) 5.5/12*6 = 2.75 million tons of cargo was passed, while the cars with an axial load of up to 25 t/axle transported about 3 ths. tons, which was about 0.1 per cent.
It should also be noted that according to Fig. 3, the average intensity of the growth of track irregularities on the sections with axial load up to 23.5 t was 0.0144 mm/m.t, while on the sections with axial load up to 25 tf – 0.0172 mm/m.t.
Fig. 5. Factor dispersion analysis of impact of 25 t/axle load cars on the intensity of track deterioration increase
Originality and practical value
The research was conducted for the possibility of estimating the impact of cars with 25 t/axle load on the state of geometrical parameters of the railway track and suggested the ways of solving the issue of introducing the 25 t/axle load rolling stock in Ukraine.
Having performed the analysis of the change in MSD of TGP depending on the density of freight traffic, the passed tonnage and the repairs, having obtained the general mean adjusted value in the sections of Ukrainska – Kakhovske Sea before and after the modernization, we see that the general mean adjusted value of MSD of TGP on the track sections Ukrainska – Kakhovske Sea is equal to 1.62 mm.
We analysed the changes of the MSD of TGP depending on the density of freight traffic on the track sections Ukrainska – Kakhovske Sea and made the conclusion that at the same volume of the passed tonnage the value of the freight traffic density does not affect the value of the MSD of TGP.
The obtained MSD of TGP allow to give an assessment of the track state and to plan the performance of track work, including track repair with greater efficiency than by the existing norms. Before and after the repairs, it would be advisable to carry out the analysis of the MSD of TGP and to further assess the track state and plan the track repair in accordance with this method according to the actual state of the track.
Thus, we can conclude that in order to obtain the MSD in both direct and circular curves and ease curves, the basic value for determining deviations can be found by approximating the actual values by the second order polynomial.
With the continuous introduction of 25-t/axle load cars, the track maintenance cost will increase by 6-8%. We recommend the corresponding reduction of inter-repair periods, which corresponds to the standards stipulated [7].
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1Каф. «Колія
та колійне господарство», Дніпровський
національний університет
транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна,
вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро,
Україна, 49010,
тел. +38 (056) 373 15 42, ел. пошта,
2*Каф. «Колія та
колійне господарство», Дніпровський
національний університет
транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна,
вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро,
Україна, 49010,
тел. +38 (066) 868 53 59, ел. пошта,
Мета. Дослідження спрямоване на визначення змін у стані геометричних параметрів залізничної колії залежно від пропущеного тоннажу за динамічної взаємодії з рухомим складом із навантаженням 25 тс/вісь. Методика. Для досягнення мети автори провели статистичний аналіз показників вимірювань стану колії вагонами-колієвимірювачами типу КВЛ–П. За допомогою програми розрахунку середньоквадратичного відхилення геометричних параметрів колії оцінено відхилення параметрів у межах дослідних ділянок. Результати. За період спостережень виявлено, що інтенсивність накопичення деформації колії в середньому зростає. Однак за результатами факторного дисперсійного аналізу з ймовірністю 95 % не можна однозначно стверджувати про вплив вагонів з осьовим навантаженням до 25 тс/вісь на погіршення показників стану колії. При цьому слід зазначити, що частка вантажу, перевезеного у вагонах з осьовим навантаженням до 25 тс/вісь, за період спостережень склала менше одного відсотка. За показниками величини середньоквадратичного відхилення оцінено стан геометричних параметрів колії та їх прогнозні зміни. Аналіз показав, що підвищення осьового навантаження призведе до зменшення ресурсу експлуатації рейок, які є найдорожчими з елементів верхньої будови колії, скорочення терміну служби стрілочних переводів і збільшення витрат праці робітників, зайнятих ремонтом і утриманням колії. Рекомендовано скорочення міжремонтних періодів, яке відповідає нормативам. Для того, щоб великовантажні вагони не руйнували інфраструктуру, має діяти як мінімум два обмеження: за видами вантажів, які перевозять, і за швидкістю руху. Наукова новизна. Автори провели дослідження оцінки впливу вагонів з осьовим навантаженням 25 тс/вісь на стан геометричних показників залізничної колії й запропонували шляхи вирішення питання щодо впровадження в Україні рухомого складу з осьовим навантаженням 25 тс/вісь. Практична значимість. На основі отриманих результатів можна оцінити вплив осьового навантаження на інтенсивність змін стану колії та прогнозувати скорочення міжремонтних термінів у зв’язку з його погіршенням і відповідно до обмеження швидкості руху поїздів.
Ключові слова: залізнична колія; норми витрат; напруження; вертикальні й бокові сили; осьове навантаження
«Путь и путевое хозяйство»,
Днипровский национальный
железнодорожного транспорта
имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул.
Лазаряна, 2,
Днипро, Украина, 49010, тел.
+38 (056) 373 15 42,
эл. почта, ORCID
«Путь и путевое хозяйство»,
Днипровский национальный
железнодорожного транспорта
имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул.
Лазаряна, 2,
Днипро, Украина, 49010, тел.
+38 (066) 868 53 59 ,
эл. почта,
ORCID 0000-0002-7518-9106
Цель. Исследование предусматривает определение изменений в состоянии геометрических параметров железнодорожного пути в зависимости от пропущенного тоннажа при динамическом взаимодействии с подвижным составом с нагрузкой 25 тс/ось. Методика. Для достижения цели авторы провели статистический анализ показателей измерений состояния пути вагонами-путеизмерителями типа КВЛ–П. С помощью программы расчета среднеквадратического отклонения геометрических параметров оценены отклонения параметров в пределах опытных участков. Результаты. За период наблюдений выявлено, что интенсивность накопления деформации пути в среднем возрастает. Однако по результатам факторного дисперсионного анализа с вероятностью 95 % нельзя однозначно утверждать о влиянии вагонов с осевой нагрузкой до 25 тс/ось на ухудшение показателей состояния пути. При этом следует отметить, что доля перевозимого груза в вагонах с осевой нагрузкой до 25 тс/ось за период наблюдений составила менее одного процента. По показателям величины среднеквадратических отклонения оценено состояние геометрических параметров пути и их прогнозные изменения. Анализ показал, что повышение осевой нагрузки приведет к уменьшению ресурса эксплуатации рельсов, которые являются самым дорогим элементом верхнего строения пути, сокращению срока службы стрелочных переводов и увеличению затрат труда работников, занятых ремонтом и содержанием пути. Рекомендовано сокращение межремонтных периодов, которое соответствует нормативам. Для того чтобы большегрузные вагоны не разрушали инфраструктуру, должны действовать как минимум два ограничения: по видам перевозимых грузов и по скорости движения. Научная новизна. Авторы провели исследование для оценки влияния вагонов с осевой нагрузкой 25 тс/ось на состояние геометрических показателей железнодорожного пути и предложили пути решения вопроса по внедрению в Украине подвижного состава с осевой нагрузкой 25 тс/ось. Практическая значимость. На основе полученных результатов можно оценить влияние осевой нагрузки на интенсивность изменений состояния пути и прогнозировать сокращение межремонтных сроков в связи с его ухудшением и в соответствии с ограничением скорости движения поездов.
Ключевые слова: железнодорожный путь; нормы расходов; напряжение; вертикальные и боковые силы; осевая нагрузка
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Received: Jan. 24, 2019
Accepted: May 23, 2019
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
doi: © О. M. Patlasov, E. M. Fedorenko, 2019