ISSN 2307–3489 (Print), ІSSN 2307–6666 (Online)
Наука та прогрес
транспорту. Вісник Дніпропетровського
національного університету залізничного
транспорту, 2017, № 3 (69)
електричний ТРАНСПОРТ
електричний ТРАНСПОРТ
H. K. Hetman1, S. l. Marikutsa2*
«Electric Rolling Stock of Railways», Dnipropetrovsk National
of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan,
Lazaryan St., 2,
Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 31,
2*Dep. «Electric Rolling Stock of
Railways», Dnipropetrovsk National University
of Railway Transport
named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2,
Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 31,
ORCID 0000-0002-0429-6633
selection of rational parameters
of the nominal mode
trains with asynchronous
traction drive
Purpose. Parameters of the nominal mode are related to the most important performance indicators of traction means, therefore, the problems of choosing their optimal values always inevitably arise when forming technical requirements for a new rolling stock. The paper describes the features of solving the above-mentioned problems for electric trains with an asynchronous traction drive in the case of two-zone and three-zone frequency control of power. Methodology. Power of nominal mode of the rolling stock should be chosen in such a way that it would be possible to realize a predetermined travel time along in the section or the movement speed. On that basis, and also taking into account the fact that the important operational characteristics of electric trains include the acceleration value during the start-up and acceleration at the design speed, we will formulate the problem of determining the nominal power. In the task for a given range of traction, it is necessary to find such a value of the nominal mode power and the corresponding force value to ensure the ability to carry out transportations with the given level of average speed with minimal energy consumption for traction. At the same time, it is necessary to fulfill the following conditions: a) the speed of the electric train on the section does not exceed the established limits; b) it is possible to realize the given values of accelerations. A more detailed consideration of the problem shows that in real conditions, when the starting acceleration and the mass of the train are given, the problem of determining electric train power is practically reduced to determining the optimal value of the nominal mode speed. Findings. The task of choosing the optimal values of the nominal mode speed is solved by determining the electric power consumption with the variation of the possible values of starting speed. Therefore, only those values that ensure the implementation of the given starting and residual accelerations should be taken into account. The work shows that the traction force value increases with the design speed increase and other equal conditions, if the starting speed is increased. Originality. Authors developed the methodology for determining the optimal values of the nominal mode parameters of electric trains with an asynchronous traction drive, with two-zone and three-zone frequency power regulation. Practical value. The above mentioned methodology can be the basis when forming technical requirements for new rolling stock for Ukraine’s railways.
Keywords: electric train; starting and residual acceleration; starting speed; motion equation; traction characteristic; power regulation zone; specific force
Parameters of the nominal mode are related to the most important performance indicators of the electric rolling stock. Therefore, the problems of determining their optimal values always inevitably arise when forming technical requirements for a new rolling stock. For the railways of Ukraine, these tasks are currently particularly relevant in connection with the need to renovate morally and physically obsolete locomotive fleet in conditions of acute shortage of funds, when it is especially important to avoid the acquisition of inefficient equipment.
Determining the parameters of the nominal mode (traction force, speed of movement and power) of traction means is the main objective of the so-called traction supply problems. Review of the papers on this topic is given in [1, 5, 6]. There one can find the ways of solving such problems with regard to freight and passenger electric locomotives, mainly with a collector traction drive.
In the case of electric trains, the tasks of determining the parameters of nominal mode were considered in a smaller volume and only with reference to the collector traction drive [3, 4, 9]. In this article, the features of these traction supply problems for electric trains with an asynchronous traction drive are described.
The nominal mode power should be selected in such a way that it would be possible to realize the predetermined travel time along the section (or movement speed). With such a «blurred» statement of the problem, its solution contains many variants, and when determining the rules for selecting the best ones the work [6] proposes to apply the following indicators for a comparative evaluation of the variants:
– specific power consumption for train traction;
– excess capacity of the required locomotive fleet;
– the mean value of the traction multiplicity required for transportations.
Last two indicators make sense for freight and passenger traffic, as the weight (composition) of trains varies widely.
In the case of electric trains only the first of the above-mentioned indicators is used: electricity consumption, since in the general case, when the specific power is distributed along the length of the train, i.e. which accounts for 1 ton of train weight, it does not depend on train composition. For electric trains, where the traction motors are located in the end cars, the maximum train weight should be taken into account.
Based on the above and taking into account that the acceleration value during starting period (acceleration) аs and acceleration at the design speed аr (residual acceleration) refers to the important operational characteristics, the problem of determining the nominal power of the electric train is formulated as follows: for the given traction polygon, it is necessary to find such a value of the nominal mode power and corresponding traction value, so that it would be possible to carry out transportations with a given level of average speed with minimum electricity consumption for traction and the following conditions would be met:
– the speed of the train movement in the section does not have to exceed the established limits;
– it is possible to realize the given values of acceleration at start (аs) and the residual one (аr).
A more detailed consideration of the problem shows that in real conditions, when the starting acceleration and the train weight are given, the task of traction supply of electric trains practically reduces to determining the optimal value of the nominal mode speed.
To be convinced of the validity of the foregoing, let us determine the factors defining the nominal mode power.
The traction force in N, required to realize the given acceleration а, is determined on the basis of the equation of the train motion used for traction calculations [2, 12] as
, (1)
– tangential traction force (on the rim of the driving wheels) of
the motor cars, N;
– total movement resistance, N;
– train weight, t;
inertia coefficient of the rotating masses of the train;
– acceleration, m/s2.
Given that the train movement resistance
– specific total resistance to train movement, N/kN.
Taking into account (2), we transform (1) to the form
When measuring the movement speed in (km/h) the nominal mode power is defined as
– tangential traction force related to one traction motor, N; the
index «n» – means the value of the parameter corresponding to
the nominal mode.
Substitution of (3) into (4) gives
(5) shows that the power of nominal mode at the given values
dependencies is definitely determined by the value of the optimal
mode speed, and thus the problem of choosing the optimal parameters
of nominal mode of electric trains reduces to the choice of the
movement speed in the nominal power mode from the condition of
minimizing the electricity consumption for traction of trains.
To solve the problem, one can use the method proposed in [6]. Its implementation is carried out by successively solving the following tasks:
– determination of control parameters of the train movement equation;
– optimization of train traffic control for minimal electric power consumption;
– determination of the nominal mode speed, corresponding to the minimum power consumption when implementing the given travel time.
To solve the last two of the problems posed above, it is possible to apply the approaches used in solving similar problems for passenger electric locomotives [1, 5, 11]. Therefore, we will dwell only on the problem of determining the control parameters of the motion equation.
Traction calculations are based on the integration of the motion equation (6).
− is dimensional coefficient, the value of which depends on the
accepted units of measurement of physical quantities;
− control parameter;
– basic specific
net train resistance;
− the value of the longitudinal path gradient, which is a function
of the path
The value
is determined as
are determined by the corresponding dependences obtained on the
basis of the experimental data [7, 8, 10].
The control
parameter depends on the operation mode of the electric train:
corresponds to the traction mode;
– to the braking mode;
the run-out mode.
Let us consider the traction drive with a smooth control of the traction power. Then, in the power calculation the control parameters that satisfy the following conditions are adopted:
– traction
– breaking
− limiting traction and braking characteristics respectively,
referred to 1 kN of the train weight.
Let us
consider the problem of calculating dependencies
for the two most frequently encountered methods of 3-zone (Fig. 1,
a) and 2-zone (Fig. 1, b) frequency control of the asynchronous
traction drive power for electric trains.
In the case of 3-zone regulation, there is a possibility:
– in the
zone 1
– acceleration with the given starting traction force;
− in zone
– the realization of the constant traction power;
− in zone
– the traction power control is inversely proportional to the
movement speed.
In the
acceleration zone
the starting traction force of thrust in specific units (3)
Fig. 1. The limiting traction characteristics of the electric trains, HRCS2 series:
a – the Hyundai-Rotem Company and b – EJ675 of SKODA Vagonka .
In zone 2
Taking into account (8)
In the 3rd
regulation zone
the ultimate traction power
But since
– is the value
From the (9) we have the following
that is why
– constructional speed of the train, km/h.
Taking into account the specific quantities, we obtain
Let us consider the case of two-zone regulation using booster modes, i.e. when the implementation of loading modes providing for the realization of traction forces exceeding the values corresponding to the nominal mode is provided. This mode of operation is used, for example, on the Skoda electric train. In this case, the traction characteristic corresponds to that shown in the Fig. 1, b.
Let us introduce the designations
– is the maximal traction force, at
The limiting
traction characteristic for the acceleration section is determined
by the expression (8), and
– according to the formula (10).
Nominal traction force
The value of
the nominal mode speed is obtained on the basis of the relation
taking into account the expressions (16).
The task of
choosing the optimal values of the nominal mode speed
is solved by determining the electric power consumption with the
variation of the possible values of the starting speed
therefore one should take into account only those its values that
ensure the implementation of the given starting
and residual
accelerations at the selected control method.
As it can be
seen from the Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b, the value of traction force at
the design speed, other things being equal, increases with
increasing starting speed. Therefore, in order to exclude variants
that do not match the conditions of the problem solution, it is
necessary to determine the minimal values
corresponding to the given starting and residual accelerations.
Since the traction force at the design speed:
– from the one side
– and from the other side
the dependence of
we obtain
For the case
of two zone regulation in the presented expression it should be
In the
calculations one should take only the values
for different values
are shown in the Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. The family of dependencies of the minimum starting speed on the starting acceleration with the variation of values of residual acceleration and design speed is: a – 160 km/h and b – 200 km/h
The value of the starting acceleration at the given train weight determines the tractive effort, and hence the use of the «wheel-rail» contact capabilities to realize the traction creepage. In order to exclude from consideration, the variants, when the traction force cannot be reliably realized according to the adhesion conditions, it is expedient to set the maximum permissible values of the starting acceleration according to the adhesion conditions, i.e. corresponding to the specified design coefficient of adhesion.
Estimated adhesive force
adhesive weight (weight of power cars), t;
– estimated coefficient of adhesion.
Specific value of the adhesion force
The necessary acceleration value is obtained from the well-known law of locomotive traction [2], according to which for the reliable operation of a wheel-rail vehicle, it is necessary to fulfill the condition
Based on the expression (8) and (21) we obtain
. (22)
upon the condition that the electric train moves at the section,
only values
can be taken into account.
for the variants of the concentrated and distributed traction are
shown in the Fig. 3. They are considered for these electric trains
of HRCS2 series by Hyundai-Rotem Company«and EJ675 of «SKODA
Vagonka». The calculations were performed with the initial data
given in the Table 1.
Table 1
data for calculating the dependencies of the minimum permissible
acceleration using the conditions of adhesion on the speed
of motion.
Electric train range |
Weight, t |
inertia coefficient of the rotating masses of the train,
of the adhesion coefficient on the speed
of the total specific movement resistance on the speed,
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
438 |
640 |
1.115 |
EJ675 |
172 |
456 |
1.08 |
Notations. 1 The value of weight is presented with the maximum loading of cars by passengers.
2 Total specific movement resistance is determined on condition of movement at the section.
3. Dependencies
for the variants of the distributed (curve 1) and concentrated
(curve 2) traction
Originality and Practical Value
Originality consists in developing a methodology for determining the optimum values for the parameters of the nominal mode of electric trains with asynchronous traction drive, with two-zone and three-zone frequency regulation of power.
The resulted methodology can serve as a basis at formation of technical requirements for a new rolling stock for railways of Ukraine.
The materials presented in the article provide for the implementation of traction calculations (in terms of plotting the motion curves), in solving problems, selecting parameters for the nominal mode of electric trains with asynchronous traction drive.
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Г. К. Гетьман1, С. Л. Марікуца2*
«Електрорухомий склад залізниць»,
Дніпропетровський національний
залізничного транспорту
імені академіка В.
Лазаряна, вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро,
тел. +38 (056) 373 15 31, ел. пошта,
ORCID 0000-0002-3471-6096
2*Каф. «Електрорухомий
склад залізниць», Дніпропетровський
національний університет
транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна,
вул. Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро, Україна,
49010, тел. +38 (056) 373 15 31, ел. пошта,
ORCID 0000-0002-0429-6633
Мета. Параметри номінального режиму відносяться до найважливіших експлуатаційних показників тягових засобів, тому задачі вибору їх оптимальних значень завжди неминуче виникають при формуванні технічних вимог на новий рухомий склад. У роботі необхідно викласти особливості рішення зазначених задач для електропоїздів із асинхронним тяговим приводом при двозонному та тризонному частотному регулюванні потужності. Методика. Потужність номінального режиму електрорухомого складу повинна бути обрана таким чином, щоб забезпечувалася можливість реалізації заданого часу ходу по ділянці або швидкості руху. Виходячи із цього, а також враховуючи, що до важливих експлуатаційних характеристик електропоїздів відноситься величина прискорення в період пуску й прискорення при конструкційній швидкості, сформулюємо задачу визначення номінальної потужності. В задачі для заданого полігона тяги необхідно знайти таке значення потужності номінального режиму й відповідне їй значення сили тяги, щоб забезпечувалася можливість здійснювати перевезення із заданим рівнем середньої швидкості руху при мінімальній витраті електроенергії на тягу. При цьому необхідно, щоб виконувалися умови: а) швидкість руху електропоїзда на ділянці не перевищує встановлених обмежень; б) забезпечується можливість реалізації заданих значень прискорень. Більш детальний розгляд питання показує, що в реальних умовах, коли задані пускове прискорення й маса поїзда, задача визначення потужності електропоїзда практично зводиться до визначення оптимального значення швидкості номінального режиму. Результати. Задача вибору оптимальних значень швидкості номінального режиму вирішується шляхом визначення витрати електроенергії при варіації можливих значень пускової швидкості, тому в розрахунки слід приймати тільки ті її значення, які забезпечують реалізацію заданих пускового й залишкового прискорень.У роботі показано, що величина сили тяги при збільшенні конструкційної швидкості й інших рівних умовах зростає, якщо збільшувати пускову швидкість. Наукова новизна. Авторами розроблена методика для визначення оптимальних значень параметрів номінального режиму електропоїздів із асинхронним тяговим приводом, при двозонному та тризонному частотному регулюванні потужності. Практична значимість. Наведена методика може бути основою при формуванні технічних вимог на новий рухомий склад для залізниць України.
Ключові слова: електропоїзд; пускове й залишкове прискорення; пускова швидкість; рівняння руху; тягова характеристика; зона регулювання потужності; питома сила
Г. К. Гетьман1, С. Л. Марикуца2*
«Электроподвижной состав железных
дорог», Днепропетровский национальный
университет железнодорожного транспорта
имени академика В. Лазаряна,
ул. Лазаряна,
2, Днипро, Украина, 49010, тел.
+38 (056) 373 15 31,
эл. почта, ORCID
состав железных дорог», Днепропетровский
университет железнодорожного
транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна,
ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днипро, Украина, 49010, тел.
+38 (056) 373 15 31,
эл. почта, ORCID 0000-0002-0429-6633
Цель. Параметры номинального режима относятся к важнейшим эксплуатационным показателям тяговых средств, поэтому задачи выбора их оптимальных значений всегда неизбежно возникают при формировании технических требований на новый подвижной состав. В работе необходимо изложить особенности решения указанных задач для электропоездов с асинхронным тяговым приводом при двухзонном и трехзонном частотном регулировании мощности. Методика. Мощность номинального режима электроподвижного состава должна быть выбрана таким образом, чтобы обеспечивалась возможность реализации заданного времени хода по участку или скорости движения. Исходя из этого, а также учитывая, что к важным эксплуатационным характеристикам электропоездов относится величина ускорения в период пуска и ускорения при конструкционной скорости, сформулируем задачу определения номинальной мощности. В задаче для заданного полигона тяги необходимо найти такое значение мощности номинального режима и соответствующее ей значение силы тяги, чтобы обеспечивалась возможность осуществлять перевозки с заданным уровнем средней скорости движения при минимальных затратах электроэнергии на тягу. При этом необходимо чтобы выполнялись условия: а) скорость движения электропоезда на участке не превышает установленных ограничений; б) обеспечивается возможность реализации заданных значений ускорений. Более детальное рассмотрение вопроса показывает, что в реальных условиях, когда задано пусковое ускорение и масса поезда, задача определения мощности электропоезда практически сводится к определению оптимального значения скорости номинального режима. Результаты. Задача выбора оптимальных значений скорости номинального режима решается путем определения расхода электроэнергии при вариации возможных значений пусковой скорости, поэтому в расчет следует принимать только те ее значения, которые обеспечивают реализацию заданных пускового и остаточного ускорений. В работе показано, что величина силы тяги при увеличении конструкционной скорости и прочих равных условиях возрастает, если увеличивать пусковую скорость. Научная новизна. Авторами разработана методика для определения оптимальных значений параметров номинального режима электропоездов с асинхронным тяговым приводом, при двухзонном и трехзонном частотном регулировании мощности. Практическая значимость. Приведенная методика может служить основой при формировании технических требований на новый подвижной состав для железных дорог Украины.
Ключевые слова: электропоезд; пусковое и остаточное ускорение; пусковая скорость; уравнение движения; тяговая характеристика; зона регулирования мощности; удельная сила
Arpul, S. V. (2014). The choice of rational parameters of the traction electric rolling stock. Electrification of Transport, 8, 66-72.
Babichkov, A. M., Gurskiy, P. A., & Novikov, A. P. (1971). Tyaga poezdov i tyagovyye raschety. Moscow: Transport.
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Prof. A. M. Afanasov, D. Sc. (Tech.), (Ukraine); Prof. O. O. Beihul, D. Sc. (Tech.), (Ukraine) recommended this article to be published
Received: Feb. 10, 2017
Accessed: May 17, 2017
doi: 10.15802/stp2017/104767 © H. K. Hetman, S. L. Marikutsa, 2017