ISSN 2307–3489 (Print), ІSSN 2307–6666 (Online)
та прогрес транспорту. Вісник
національного університету залізничного
транспорту, 2017,
s. s. tyshchenko1, a. V. krasniuk 2, t. v. ulchenko3, A. S. SHCHERBAK 4*
«Higher Mathematics»,
Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian-Economic
St., 25, Dnipro,
Ukraine, 49600,
tel. +38 (056)
713 51 86,
e-mail, ORCID
«Grafics», Dnipropetrovsk National
University of Railway Transport
named after Academician V. Lazaryan,
Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipro, Ukraine,
49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 38,
ORCID 0000-0002-1400-9992
«Grafics», Dnipropetrovsk National
University of Railway Transport
named after Academician V. Lazaryan,
Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipro, Ukraine,
49010, tel. +38 (067) 724 47 22, e-mail,
ORCID 0000-0003-2354-7765
«Grafics», Dnipropetrovsk National
University of Railway Transport
named after Academician V. Lazaryan,
Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipro, Ukraine,
49010, tel. +38 (056) 373 15 59, e-mail,
ORCID 0000-0003-1340-0284
Purpose. The paper focuses on ensuring the rational choice of parameters of the mating surfaces of parts when designing process equipment based on the methods of artificial intelligence. Methodology. The paper considers the geometric model of a ruled developed surface, the conditions of existence of such a surface and provides a generalized algorithm for surface plotting regardless of the type of the working element or the machine-building product. One of the most common technical surfaces are the ruled ones, among which a special position is occupied by developed surfaces (thanks to their differential-parametric properties): surface tangent plane is n contact along the rectilinear generator and does not change its position in space when changing the point of contact; surfaces can be produced by bending sheet metal. These provisions enable a product manufacturer to save significant material and energy means, therefore, the development of geometric models of such surfaces is an important task. Findings. We analyzed the geometrical model of the developed surface which is incident to two guides. Experimental studies have shown the application prospectivity of semi-digger moldboards on moldboard plows, particularly on the double-deck ones. Taking into account the operating speed of the plow 2.8 m/s, the plant residues plowing percentage for plow with semi-digger moldboards is 98.9%, and with the digger ones – 96.1%. Originality. According to results: 1) the approaches to solving the problem of recognition of wear conditions of the tested interface, depicted by its conceptual model, were elaborated; 2) the corresponding algorithms of the computational procedures were built; 3) the mathematical model that determines the effect of the parameters of the contacting surfaces on their performance properties – linear wear rate during the normal wear and tear was developed; 4) for this model the theoretical prerequisite of use for the random mating study were designated. Practical value. Currently, these areas produced significant results which are in line with modern requirements of construction engineering. The process of parametric model optimization generates a plurality of desired values of the surface parameters. There are formed the algorithms for automatic recognition of design features and operation of interfaces by their images, which are set by a structured set of formal signs. The recognition result is the interface designation to a particular group, each of which corresponds to an individual computational model of quality parameters normalization.
Keywords: geometry; surfaces; developed surfaces; model; working elements
For a multiple production the most important among the technological equipment is mechanical processing equipment characterized by the need of frequent change, optimal service life is 5-7 years. Analysis of design methods of technological and mechanical processing equipment showed that at the early design stages it is very difficult to assess and take into account the variety of factors affecting the quality of its work. There is a problem of automated selection of design and process parameters the mating surfaces to ensure operating purpose of the product. At the same time, there is no scientific methodological framework that allows taking into account the design and technological features of the designed equipment.
One of the main directions of descriptive geometry is designing surfaces, linear and two-dimensional contours, which correspond to different positional, metric, differential conditions. Currently, these areas received significant results that meet the modern requirements of design planning.
The works [10, 11] present the geometric model of ruled surfaces with multiparameter sets of lines and special lines of surfaces, but a large number of parameters and difficult determination of special lines, such as curvature, make the use of these models difficult in practice. The works [12-15] are devoted to the development of geometric models of tillage working element surfaces. The disadvantage of these models is that they are specified for the working element, which reduces the possibility of their use in the design of other tools. A common shortcoming of these models is that they are presented in general or for a specific working element. This leads to the fact that in each case it is necessary to develop the own algorithm for surface building.
The main directions of the descriptive geometry of surfaces formulated by I. I. Kotov [7, 8] and including development of methods for designing linear and two-dimensional contours, continuous frames in compliance with the set differential-isometric conditions, generation of contours and surfaces equations, are still up to date. Furthermore, increasing requirements for accuracy characteristics, increase in speed and the need to improve the dynamic characteristics of surface interactions with the environment made the surface geometry conditions more complicated. For example, the transition curves of railways need continuous fourth derivative at the junctions [4, 18]; bi-dimensional contours must have degree of smoothness at the joint not lower than the second one [3, 9] for the surfaces, operating in conditions of high density environment (working elements of tillage tools, machines and mechanisms in the car-locomotive facilities of railways, ship contours, etc.) or of high speeds.
The above generates an urgent need to develop new methods for continuous mathematical surface models (MSM), which correspond to a large number of differential geometric terms with a given degree of accuracy and solution of various applied problems on the received MSM.
An important sector of technology, which is connected with engineering progress, are those units that are engaged in designing and manufacturing of products, whose main functional element is the surface, working in conditions of high speeds or a large density, particularly the tillage elements and machines. Energy costs thus depend on the geometric properties of surfaces.
of the
most common
surfaces are
the ruled
ones, among
which a
special position
is occupied
by developed
surfaces thanks
to their
– surface tangent plane is n contact along the rectilinear generator and does not change its position in space when changing the point of contact;
– the surfaces can be made by bending sheet metal.
These provisions enable a product manufacturer to save significant material and energy means, therefore, the development of geometric models of such surfaces is an important task.
The work purpose is to ensure the rational choice of parameters of the mating surfaces of parts when designing process equipment based on the methods of artificial intelligence.
The study object is a combination of machining and mechanical processing equipment, tools and other machine parts, working in conditions of friction under boundary lubrication and made of general purpose structural materials.
The paper considers the geometric model of a ruled developed surface, the conditions of existence of such a surface and provides a generalized algorithm for surface plotting regardless of the type of the working element or the machine-building product [6].
We know that a developable surface is given by two curves which have the property: if through any point of the first curve to draw the area tangent to both curves, this tangent property is kept in many geometric transformations.
Assume that we have two set curves:
, (1)
, (2)
which separate a congruence from a set of lines:
. (3)
Herewith the
depend on
and are determined by the equations (1) and (2), (3), so that,
; (4)
. (5)
To separate a developable surface, we introduce additional condition as compatibility of equations defining the framing of both curves with the standards of future surface [1, 2]:
, (6)
primes indicate
the rates
of the
functions that
define curves
by their
parameters, and
equation of
ruled surface:
, (7)
which is equivalent to the equation:
. (8)
The equation (6) expresses the fact that the surface standards at the relevant points of the set curves (which belong to the same straight line generator) are parallel that is equivalent to existence of general tangent area to the surface in these points. Indeed, given (4) and (5), the equation (8) takes the form:
, (9)
i.e. vectors tangent to the curve and generators are coplanar.
(9) allows
determining the
between the
provided the
, (10)
that together with (3), (4), (5) gives the desired surface equation.
If one of
the parameters (for example)
can be from (10) expressed clearly through the other parameter,
, (11)
then with (4), (5) and (11) surface equation will look like:
. (12)
To find the
edge of regression l, we
(12) by
. (13)
One of the equations (13) together with (12) will define l.
Obviously, not every two lines with their shape and position in space will enable to plot a developable surface. In solving the determinant (9) there may be the following cases (except the discussed above, which leads to (10)):
– determinant
equals to
zero (curves
are in
the same
area, which
is the
sought surface
regardless of
– as a result of the solution (9) becomes the equation of one parameter (there is no developable surface, there are separate generators, whose number equals to the number of roots of equations, where there is a common tangent area by given curves);
– determinant (9) is not equal to zero (developable surface does not exist).
Thus, the desired result gives only the case that leads to (10).
consider the
equation (6) and
(9). Minor determinants
of the
first two
rows of
the determinant
(9) are the
coordinates of
the surface
so that
, (14)
Plotting of
the surface is greatly simplified when the guide curves are contour
lines. For example, if
are horizontals, then the condition of a
developable surface is
and for the frontals:
and so on.
Algorithm for plotting the surface.
There are
(equation (1) and (2)).
1. We
find the generators
2. We add the determinant (9) as a result of which find a solution (10). If the dependence (10) does not arise from the determinant (9), then the solution does not exist.
3. We
determine the coefficients
according to (4) and (5).
4. We
taking into account
5. We write the surface equation (3).
The given model is used for building the semi-digger moldboard of the upper deck of a double-deck plow PNY-4-40 (Fig. 1), while the lower deck had digger moldboards. As the guide curves we selected boundary movement trajectories of soil beds [5, 16, 17].
The assessment of the operation quality of the double-deck plow with digger and semi-digger moldboards of the upper deck was conducted by the following indicators:
– depth of plowing of plant residues;
– percentage of plowing of plant residues
Experimental studies have shown the application prospectivity of semi-digger moldboards on moldboard plows, particularly on the double-deck ones. Taking into account the operating speed of the plow 2.8 m/s, the plant residues plowing percentage for plow with semi-digger moldboards is 98.9%, and with the digger ones – 96.1%, which is 4.3% higher, that is why semi-digger moldboards mounted on the upper deck of the double-deck plow outweigh the digger moldboards by agro-technical parameters [19].
Originality and practical value
1. The approaches to solving the problem of recognition of wear conditions of the tested interface, depicted by its conceptual model, were elaborated; the corresponding algorithms of the computational procedures were built.
Fig. 1. Semi-digger moldboard of double-deck plow:
2. The mathematical model that determines the effect of the parameters of the contacting surfaces on their performance properties – linear wear rate during the normal wear and tear was developed; for this model the theoretical prerequisite of use for the random mating study were designated. The process of parametric model optimization generates a plurality of desired values of the surface parameters.
3. There
are formed the algorithms for automatic recognition of design
features and operation of interfaces by their images, which are set
by a structured set of formal signs.
The recognition
is the interface designation to a particular group, each of which
corresponds to an individual computational model of surface quality
parameters normalization.
1. The analysed method of putting together the analytic formulas of specific transformations allows us to study the converted lines and surfaces using the methods of analytic geometry.
2. The designed model of developed surface is expedient to be used for designing various working elements, including tillage tools.
3. Using the system, we elaborated the algorithms and compiled the programs for analytical calculation of line, non-line and equidistant to them surfaces by given differential geometric terms, which have shown high efficiency of the system application in solving the above problems.
4. We proposed a new equation of patch-wise surface centre without transitional functions that saves the computing resources and simplifies the solutions of various geometric and engineering problems.
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С. С. Тищенко1, А. В. краснюк2, Т. В. УЛЬЧЕНКО3, А. С. Щербак4*
«Вища математика», Дніпропетровський
державний аграрно-економічний
вул. Ворошилова, 25,
Дніпро, Україна, 49600, тел. +38
(056) 713 51 86, ел. пошта,
ORCID 0000-0003-4860-4818
«Графіка», Дніпропетровський національний
університет залізничного транспорту
імені академіка В. Лазаряна, вул.
Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро, Україна, 49010,
+38 (056) 373 15 38, ел. пошта, ORCID 0000-0002-1400-9992
«Графіка», Дніпропетровський національний
університет залізничного транспорту
імені академіка В. Лазаряна, вул.
Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро, Україна, 49010, тел.
+38 (067) 724 47
ел. пошта, ORCID
«Графіка», Дніпропетровський національний
університет залізничного транспорту
імені академіка В. Лазаряна, вул.
Лазаряна, 2, Дніпро, Україна, 49010, тел.
+38 (056) 373 15
ел. пошта, ORCID 0000-0003-1340-0284
Мета. У статті необхідно розглянути забезпечення раціонального вибору параметрів поверхонь, що сполучаються, та оброблюваних деталей при проектуванні технологічного обладнання на основі методів штучного інтелекту. Методика. В роботі розглядається геометрична модель лінійчатої розгортної поверхні, умови існування такої поверхні та приводиться узагальнений алгоритм побудови поверхні, незалежно від типу робочого органу або машинобудівного виробу. Одними з найбільш поширених у техніці поверхнями є лінійчаті, серед яких особливе положення займають розгортні (завдяки своїм диференціально-параметричним властивостям): дотична площина контактує з поверхнею вздовж всієї прямолінійної твірної та не змінює свого положення у просторі при зміні точки дотику; поверхні можуть виготовлятись методом згину металевого листа. Ці положення дозволяють при виготовленні виробів заощаджувати значні матеріальні та енергетичні кошти, тому розробка геометричних моделей таких поверхонь є важливою задачею. Результати. Авторами розглянуто геометричну модель розгортної поверхні, яка інцидентна двом напрямним. Експериментальні дослідження показали перспективність застосування напівгвинтових полиць на поличних плугах, зокрема, на двоярусних. Приймаючи до уваги робочу швидкість руху плугу 2,8 м∕с, відсоток заорювання рослинних решток для плугу з напівгвинтовими полицями складає 98,9 %, а з культурними – 96,1 %. Наукова новизна. За результатами експерименту: 1) вироблені підходи до вирішення задачі розпізнавання умов зношування досліджуваного сполучення, зображеного його концептуальною моделлю; 2) побудовані відповідні алгоритми обчислювальних процедур; 3) розроблено математичну модель, яка визначає вплив параметрів контактуючих поверхонь на їх експлуатаційну властивість – лінійну інтенсивність зношування в період нормального зносу; 4) для даної моделі позначені теоретичні передумови застосування в дослідженні довільного сполучення. Практична значимість. На даний час у цих напрямках отримані серйозні результати, які стоять на рівні сучасних вимог конструкторського проектування. В процесі параметричної оптимізації моделі формується безліч шуканих значень параметрів поверхонь. Сформовані алгоритми автоматичного розпізнавання особливостей конструкції та експлуатації сполучень за їх зображеннями, що задається структурованими сукупностями формалізованих ознак. Результатом розпізнавання є віднесення сполучення до певної групи, кожній з множин яких відповідає індивідуальна розрахункова модель нормування параметрів якості.
Ключові слова: геометрія; поверхні; розгортні поверхні; модель; робочі органи
С. С. Тищенко1, А. В. краснюк2, Т. В. УЛЬЧЕНКО3, А. С. Щербак4*
«Высшая математика», Днепропетровский
университет, ул. Ворошилова, 25, Днипро,
Украина, 49600, тел. +38 (056)
713 51 86, эл. почта,
ORCID 0000-0003-4860-4818
«Графика», Днепропетровский национальный
железнодорожного транспорта
имени академика
В. Лазаряна, ул.
Лазаряна, 2, Днипро, Украина, 49010,
+38 (056) 373 15
38, эл. почта,
ORCID 0000-0002-1400-9992
«Графика», Днепропетровский национальный
железнодорожного транспорта
имени академика
В. Лазаряна, ул.
Лазаряна, 2, Днипро, Украина, 49010,
+38 (067) 724 47
22, эл. почта,
«Графика», Днепропетровский
национальный университет
транспорта имени академика
В. Лазаряна,
ул. Лазаряна, 2, Днипро, Украина, 49010,
+38 (056) 373 15
59, эл. почта,
ORCID 0000-0003-1340-0284
Цель. В статье необходимо рассмотреть обеспечение рационального выбора параметров сопрягаемых поверхностей обрабатываемых деталей при проектировании технологического оборудования на основе методов искусственного интеллекта. Методика. В работе рассматривается геометрическая модель линейчатой развернутой поверхности, условия существования такой поверхности и приводится обобщенный алгоритм построения поверхности, независимо от типа рабочего органа или машиностроительного изделия. Одними из наиболее распространенных в технике поверхностей являются линейчатые, среди которых особое положение занимают развернутые (благодаря своим дифференциально-параметрическим свойствам): касательная плоскость соприкасается с поверхностью вдоль всей прямолинейной образующей и не меняет своего положения в пространстве при изменении точки соприкосновения; поверхности могут изготавливаться методом сгиба металлического листа. Эти положения позволяют при изготовлении изделий экономить значительные материальные и энергетические средства, поэтому разработка геометрических моделей таких поверхностей является важной задачей. Результаты. Авторами рассмотрена геометрическая модель развернутой поверхности, которая инцидентна двум направляющим. Экспериментальные исследования показали перспективность применения полувинтовых полок на полочных плугах, в частности, на двухъярусных. Принимая во внимание рабочую скорость движения плуга 2.8 м/с, процент запахивания растительных остатков для плуга с полувинтовыми полками составляет 98,9 %, а с культурными – 96,1%. Научная новизна. По результатам эксперимента: 1) выработаны подходы к решению задачи распознавания условий изнашивания исследуемого сопряжения, изображаемого его концептуальной моделью; 2) построены соответствующие алгоритмы вычислительных процедур; 3) разработана математическая модель, определяющая влияние параметров контактирующих поверхностей на их эксплуатационное свойство – линейную интенсивность изнашивания в период нормального износа; 4) для данной модели обозначены теоретические предпосылки применения к исследованию произвольного сопряжения. Практическая значимость. В настоящее время по этим направлениям получены серьезные результаты, которые находятся на уровне современных требований конструкторского проектирования. В процессе параметрической оптимизации модели формируется множество искомых значений параметров поверхностей. Сформированы алгоритмы автоматического распознавания особенностей конструкции и эксплуатации сочетаний по их изображениям, которые задаются структурированными совокупностями формализованных признаков. Результатом распознавания является отношение сопряжения к определенной группе, каждой из множества которых соответствует индивидуальная расчетная модель нормирования параметров качества.
Ключевые слова: геометрия; поверхности; развернутые поверхности; модель; рабочие органы
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Prof. M. V. Shchpyrko, D. Sc. (Tech.), (Ukraine); Prof. V. D. Petrenko, D. Sc. (Tech.) recommended this article to be published)
Accessed: Dec. 14, 2016
Received: March 23, 2017
doi 10.15802/stp2017/100227 © S. S. Tyshchenko, A. V. Krasniuk, T. V. Ulchenko, A. S. Shcherbak, 2017